Duitsland wil hardere aanpak leeftijdsdiscriminatie in eigen land (en)
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The German Anti-discrimination Agency (ADS) has declared 2012 the Year Against Age Discrimination. Under this framework, an Experts Committee presided by Dr. Henning Scherf has been working in the last months to present a series of concrete actions and recommendations to reduce age discrimination in Germany.
These recommendations were presented by the committee on December 4th in Berlin. The document, entitled "Jointly against discrimination: For a fair participation of the younger and older people", has been prepared by experts from social organisations, unions and the academic world under the scientific guidance of Gerontology professor Dr.Gerhard Naegele.
Among other suggestions, the Experts Committee advises German authorities, companies and organisations to reduce age limits in volunteering, as well as to reassess age-related wage limits. They also recommend eliminating individual supplementary income limits for early pensioners.
"The topic of age discrimination is still not visible to many. However, the recommendations show that this has to change" said Christine Lüders from the German Anti-discrimination Agency, who appeals stakeholders to implement the proposals.
According to a survey commissioned by the ADS, every fifth German (21 percent) has experienced age discrimination.
The Experts Committee’s recommendations may be downloaded here (in German).
More information about the ADS Year Against Age Discrimination available at www.im-besten-alter-immer.de