Europese Raad besluit over quota totaal toegestane vangsten in 2013 (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Cypriotisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 17 december 2012.

With the aim of reaching political agreement on total allowable catches (TACs) and quotas for 2013, the Council will examine proposals for the Atlantic, the North Sea and international waters regulated by Regional Fisheries Management Organizations and on the TACs and associated measures for the fish stocks in the Black Sea targeted by EU fleets. Moreover, the Cyprus Presidency will present a Progress Report on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform, which will demonstrate the progress achieved during the second half of 2012.

The Agriculture & Fisheries Council will meet in Brussels on Tuesday 18 and Wednesday, 19 of December, which will be chaired by Cyprus’ Minister of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, Sofoclis Aletraris, to discuss three more important dossiers related to the TACs and quota proposals for 2013 for the Atlantic, the North Sea and international waters regulated by Regional Fisheries Management Organisations and on the TACs and associated measures for the fish stocks in the Black Sea targeted by EU fleets.

The Council will aim to reach political agreement on the two proposals that relate to the general EU internal and external TACs and Quotas for 2013, as well asthe Presidency proposal for the Cod management Plan which is closely related to the internal TACs and quotas and fishing effort proposal and on the TACs and associated measures for the two fish stocks in the Black Sea, in the framework of achieving maximum sustainable yield for all EU stocks by 2015 where possible, taking into account the scientific advice on a case by case.

Regarding the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, Mr. Aletraris will have the opportunity to present the Presidency Progress Report showing the progress achieved on the CAP Reform draft legal texts during the second half of 2012. The report indicates, for each of the draft legal texts, the main amendments which the Presidency has tabled. The report also identifies the key issues which remain outstanding.