EU en Moldavië tekenen akkoord over gezamenlijke deelname Europees crisismanagement

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 13 december 2012.


Brussels, 13 December 2012


EU and Moldova sign Framework Agreement on participation in EU crisis management operations

Catherine Ashton i, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vladimir Filat, Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, signed today a Framework Agreement for the participation of Moldova in EU crisis management operations

Negotiations on the Framework Participation Agreement were launched in spring 2012. They followed Moldova's expression of interest in intensifying dialogue and training cooperation with the EU in the area of Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) as well as its readiness to contribute to CSDP missions and operations. Recent active political dialogue and positive cooperation with Moldova have enabled a swift conclusion of the negotiations

The Political and Security Committee invited Moldova on 3 July 2012 to offer contributions to the EUs new civilian mission in the Horn of Africa, EUCAP NESTOR. The EU hopes to see Moldova contribute soon to this and other CSDP missions and operations

The new instrument enables smooth involvement of Moldova in on-going and future EU crisis management efforts in a range of crisis scenarios. In particular, it will avoid unnecessary delays in situations where Moldova is invited and agrees to participate in EU operations. The agreement also responds to Moldova's desire to contribute personnel and assets to the EU efforts, facilitating future cooperation and contributing to enhanced effectiveness and flexibility in response to any crisis