België organiseert bijeenkomst evaluatie kerngegevens bij arbeidsmarktbeleid (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Werkgelegenheid, sociale zaken en inclusie (EMPL) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 12 december 2012.

The Department of Work and Social Economy of Flanders (Belgium) hosted a peer review on 19-20 November that brought together ministry officials, social partners and independent experts from 13 countries as well as representatives from the Flemish government and the Belgian federal administration and the European Commission.

The host country presented its approach to using data-driven analysis for labour market policy evaluation, including the processes used to determine the priorities and to contract out such research.

As emphasis on evidence based policy making has increased, but public resources available have declined, increasing emphasis is being placed on the use of administrative data in evaluation, combining this, where required with survey and other types of research.

The host country outlined the key administrative database used to carry out labour market policy research; the unemployment register of the public employment service and the Crossroads bank of social security. The way in which these datasets combine with others relating to personal characteristics, social security and pensions within the data warehouse was explained in order to illustrate the available data and possible methods of analysis, including the example of mandatory activation for older unemployed persons and the calculated effects of this policy.

The main conclusions of the discussions, the host country and peer country papers have been published on the Mutual Learning Programme website.