(Evžen) Tošenovský

Evžen Tošenovský is a member of the European Parliament since 14 July 2009 for "Občanská demokratická strana", which is aligned with the European Conservatives and Reformists. Tošenovský is elected on behalf of the Czech Republic.

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Personal data

Czech Republic



National political party
Občanská demokratická strana

European Parliamentary Group
European Conservatives and Reformists


Main functions and occupations

Main functions and occupations
  • manual worker at Vítkovice, a.s. (mechanical engineering firm), from 1975 until 1991
  • mathematical analyst at Vítkovice, a.s. (mechanical engineering firm), from 1975 until 1991
  • representative of the city of Ostrava, from 24 November 1990 until 2001
  • mathematical analyst at PIKE Electronic, from 1991 until 1993
  • mayor of Ostrava, from 1993 until 2000
  • president of the College of Mayors (of the largest cities in the Czech Republic), from 1994 until 2001
  • president of the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic, from 1999 until 2000
  • member of the Council of the Moravian-Silesian Region, from 12 November 2000 until 24 July 2009
  • president of the Moravian-Silesian Region, from 2000 until 2008
  • president of the Association of Regions of the Czech Republic, from 2001 until 2008
  • member of the Committee of the Regions, from 2002 until 2008
  • member of the Bureau of the Committee of the Regions, from 2003 until 2008
  • adviser to the chairman, Vítkovice, a.s., from 2008 until 2009
  • member European Parliament, from 14 July 2009



Academic education
  • systems engineering at the Faculty of Economics, VSB-Technical University in Ostrava, from 1981




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