Sacharov-vertegenwoordigers debatteren over Iran met Europarlementariërs
Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 10 december 2012.
The foreign affairs and development committees and the human rights subcommittee will meet the representatives of the 2012 Sakharov prize laureates at 18.30, on Monday, in room LOW N1.4, to discuss the human rights situation in Iran. The rights of children and artists are expected to be highlighted during the debate.
The Sakharov laureates Nasrin Sotoudeh, a lawyer, and Jafar Panahi, a film director, have designated five people to represent them: Dr Shirin Ebadi, Mr Karim Lahidji, Ms Solmaz Panahi, Mr Costa-Gavras and Mr Serge Toubiana.
You can watch the meeting live via EP TV (link to the right).