Commissie wil BEREC advies over ontwerp-aanbeveling betreffende consistente non-discriminatie verplichtingen en kostenberekeningsmethoden (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Communicatienetwerken, Inhoud en Technologie (CNECT) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 7 december 2012.

Following public consultations on aspects of non-discrimination and cost methodologies for regulated wholesale network access in autumn 2011, on 12 July 2012 Vice President Kroes issued a policy statement on enhancing the broadband investment environment announcing future durable regulatory guidance in the form of a Commission Recommendation on these topics. At an extraordinary meeting of the Body of European Regulators in Electronic Communications (BEREC) in Brussels on 15 November 2012, agreement was reached on the importance of increasing current levels of infrastructure investment as a key response to the current economic and financial challenges facing Europe. On 5 December 2012, Vice President Kroes has formally sought the opinion of BEREC on a draft 'Commission Recommendation on consistent non-discrimination obligations and costing methodologies to promote competition and enhance the broadband investment environment.' This draft Recommendation is intended to express in concrete regulatory terms the policy orientations outlined on 12 July 2012.