EU steunt hervormingen in Algerije (en)
Cyprus’ Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis chaired the EU - Algeria Association Council held today, December 6, in Brussels, on behalf of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Baroness Catherine Ashton i.
This was the seventh meeting of the EU - Algeria Association Council. The Algerian delegation was led by Foreign Minister, Mr. Mourad Medelci. European Commissioner Štefan Füle i, responsible for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), also participated in the meeting.
During the Association Council, participants held a political dialogue which covered current international issues of common interest, and particularly the Middle East Peace Process, Syria, Libya, Mali/Sahel, Western Sahara, as well as issues related to regional cooperation. These included the Union for the Mediterranean, the EU - Africa Dialogue, the Maghreb and 5 + 5 (a diplomatic forum which includes ten Mediterranean countries - five north and five south of the sea), as well as relations between the EU and the League of Arab States.
On-going reform process in Algeria
The plenary session of the EU - Algeria Association Council was devoted to the reform process in the country, developments in the EU, and relations between the Union and Algeria. Both parties welcomed the negotiations on an ENP Action Plan, which started last October. Energy cooperation, the accession of Algeria to the World Trade Organisation and trade issues, as well as the issue of mobility wας also discussed. The two parties also focused on the on-going reform process in Algeria.
“This Association Council concludes a year which has been very rich in developments, enabling us to reinforce our relation,” stated Dr. Marcoullis at the press conference which followed the meeting.
“There have been many positive developments over the past 12 months: Algeria’s decision to participate in the renewed European Neighbourhood Policy through the negotiation of an Action Plan, the signature of a scientific cooperation agreement, reaching of an agreement on tariff dismantling on agricultural and industrial products and the launching of a deeper regular political dialogue,” added the Cypriot Minister.
She also underlined the importance of recent high level visits by the High Representative and Commissioner Füle to the country and the deployment of a full electoral observer mission to Algeria last May.
The Cypriot Foreign Affairs Minister also welcomed the reform steps taken by Algeria so far, particularly at the political level, adding that the EU looks forward to the Algerian government’s proposals and parliament’s initiatives to reinforce fundamental freedoms.
A tailor-made approach towards Ageria’s needs
In his remarks, the Algerian Foreign Affairs Minister, thanked Dr. Marcoullis and Commissioner Füle for the successful organisation of the EU-Algeria Association Council. He also stated that the close cooperation between Algeria and EU is essential to Algeria, noting that, during the past year, this cooperation has been strengthened not only in the political and economic fields, but also in the scientific and technical ones. Mr.Medelci also noted that there has been substantial progress in the negotiations for an ENP action plan.
On his part, Commissioner Füle, repeated the readiness of the EU to support the on-going reform process, in the context of a tailor-made approach towards Algeria's own needs. He also welcomed the negotiations on an ENP Action Plan, and expressed the hope that these will be concluded swiftly.