Bernd Borchardt nieuw EU-missie EULEX Kosovo (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 4 december 2012.

Bernd Borchardt was today appointed new Head of Mission for the EU rule of law mission in Kosovo, EULEX Kosovo

Mr Borchardt, from Germany, will take up his duties on 1 February 2013. He will succeed Xavier Bout de Marnhac, who had been in the position since 15 October 2010

The central aim of EULEX Kosovo, launched in 2008, is to assist and support the Kosovo authorities in the rule of law area, with a specific focus on the judiciary. In 2012, EULEX Kosovo was reconfigured to make the mission stronger, leaner and more efficient. Staff was reduced by about 25 % to a maximum of 1250 international and 1000 local staff. The mission continues to mainly consist of police officers, judges, prosecutors and customs

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Today's decision was taken by the EUs Political and Security Committee

For more information, see

Annex: CV of Bernd Borchardt

Date of birth: 19 January 1955 Nationality: German

Profession / rank: Diplomat, Ambassador Married Education:

Psychology and Law, University of Munster, Germany Languages: German, English, French and Romanian Professional experience:

Present: Head of Mission EULEX Kosovo designate

2010 to 2012:

2007 to 2010: 2006 to 2007:

2003 to 2006: 2002 to 2003:

Before 2002:

Coordinator for German Personnel in International Organisations, Foreign Ministry, Berlin

German Ambassador to Albania

Deputy Director-General of Asian and Pacific Affairs, Foreign Ministry, Berlin

South Asia Director, Foreign Ministry, Berlin

Head of Department "EU External Relations", Foreign Ministry, Berlin

Various diplomatic postings, including Head of German Office in Kosovo and as the Deputy Head of the Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM)