EP-voorzitter betuigt meeleven slachtoffers en nabestaanden brand in Duitse stad (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Voorzitter Europees Parlement (EP-voorzitter) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 27 november 2012.

Martin Schulz

HD Martin Schulz on the tragic fire in Titisee-Neustadt

It is with great consternation that I have heard the news of the tragic fire in Titisee-Neustadt in Germany, whereby 14 people were killed and more wounded. We are all deeply shocked and stunned by this tragedy.

On behalf of the European Parliament I would like to express my most sincere condolences and sympathy. Our thoughts go to the families and friends of the victims. We join them in mourning and wish them strength to come to terms with this enormous loss. I would also like to convey my wishes for a quick recovery to those wounded.

For further information:


  • Armin Machmer


    Mobile: +32 479 97 11 98

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