Hervormingen centraal besprekingen Landbouw- en visserijministers (en)
3202nd Council meeting Agriculture and Fisheries
Brussels, 28 and 29 November 2012
President Mr Sofoclis ALETRARIS
Minister for Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment of Cyprus
Main results of the Council
As regards agriculture, ministers held public debates on direct payments, the single CMO and rural development within the framework of the common agricultural policy (CAP) reform. Some specific issues discussed were: equivalence to greening practices, sugar quotas and vine planting rights.
Concerning a proposal for a regulation about the use of lactic acid to reduce microbiological surface contamination on bovine carcasses, no agreement was reached either in favour of or against the authorisation.
About fisheries issues, the ministers reached a political agreement on fishing opportunities for certain deep-sea stocks for 2013 and 2014. They had also an exchange of views on the annual consultations between the EU and Norway.
Finally the ministers were briefed on the error rate in rural development, the EU-Morocco agreement on agriculture, a new EUfood model, the Norway pout stocks and the EU-Mauritania fisheries agreement.
Over lunch ministers had a discussion on the current state of play on CAP reform.
Reform of the common agricultural policy (CAP)..............................................................................7
Lactic acid............................................................................................................................................9
Fishing opportunities for deep-sea stocks for 2013-2014.................................................................. 10
EU/ Norway - annual consultations for 2013.....................................................................................14
ANY OTHER BUSINESS.................................................................................................................15
Increased error rate in rural development..........................................................................................15
EU-Morocco agricultural agreement.................................................................................................15
New European food model................................................................................................................16
Norway pout stock.............................................................................................................................17
EU-Mauritania fisheries agreement...................................................................................................17
-Steering board for the European Innovation Partnership on agriculture................................................................18
-Partnership agreement between EU and Madagascar - Renewal of the protocol..................................................19
-Appointment of Tonio Borg as commissioner for health and consumer affairs....................................................19
1 • Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks
•Documents for which references are given in the text are available on the Council's Internet site (http://www.consilium.europa.eu)
•Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by an asterisk; these statements are available on the Council's Internet site or may be obtained from the Press Office
Mr Olivier BELLE Bulgaria:
Czech Republic:
Mr Petr BDL
Mr Robert KLOOS
Mr Clyde KULL Ireland:
Mr Dimitrios MELAS Spain:
Mr Miguel ARIAS CANETE France:
Mr Stéphane LE FOLL Mr Frederic CUVILLIER
Mr Mario CATANIA Cyprus:
Ms Androula GEORGIOU Latvia:
Ms Laimdota STRAUJUMA Lithuania:
Ms Michèle EISBARTH Hungary:
Minister for the Middle Classes, SMEs, the Self-Employed and Agriculture Deputy Permanent Representative
Minister for Agriculture and Food Deputy Permanent Representative
Minister for Agriculture
Director General for the External Relations, Ministry of Agriculture
Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries
Federal Minister for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection
State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection
Deputy Permanent Representative
Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Secretary General, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Secretary General for Rural Development and Food
Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Environment
Minister for Agriculture, the Food Processing Industry and Forestry
Minister with responsibility for Transport, Oceans and Fisheries, attached to the Minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy
Minister for Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policy
Minister for Agriculture, Natural Resources and
Minister for Agriculture
Minister for Agriculture
Minister for Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development, Minister for Sport, Minister with responsibility for Economic Solidarity Deputy Permanent Representative
Minister for Rural Development
Deputy Permanent Representative
State Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development
Mr George PULLICINO Mr Patrick R. MIFSUD
Mr Harald GÜNTHER Poland:
Mr Stanislaw KALEMBA Mr Kazimierz PLOCKE
Ms Assuncao CRISTAS
MrCristianBADESCU Slovenia:
Ms Magdaléna LACKO-BARTOSOVA Finland:
United Kingdom:
Mr David HEATH Mr Richard BYON
Ms Michelle O'NEILL
Minister for Resources and Rural Affairs Deputy Permanent Representative
Minister for Agriculture
Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management Deputy Permanent Representative
Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Minister for Agriculture, Maritime Affairs, the Environment and Regional Planning State Secretary for Agriculture State Secretary for Maritime Affairs
State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Deputy Permanent Representative
Minister for Agriculture and the Environment Deputy Permanent Representative
State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Minister for Agriculture and Forestry
State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Minister for Rural Affairs
Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment (Scottish Government)
Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and European Programmes (Welsh Assembly Government) Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nothern Ireland)
Mr Dacian CIOLOS Member
Mr Tonio BORG Member
Ms Maria DAMANAKI Member
The Government of the Acceding State was represented as follows:
Ms Snjezana SPANJOL Deputy Minister for Agriculture
Reform of the common agricultural policy (CAP)
Ministers held three orientation debates within the framework of the common agricultural policy (CAP) reform. The discussions focused on:
•the proposal for a regulation establishing rules for direct payments to farmers (direct payments regulation) (/11);
•the proposal for a regulation establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products (single CMO regulation) (/11).
•the proposal for a regulation on support for rural development (rural development regulation)
Direct payments
As regards greening of direct payments, many delegations acknowledged the great potential of an approach based on equivalence
Many delegations considered that equivalence of alternative measures needed to be established in terms of benefit for the environment or climate. Member states also pointed out that the assessment of equivalence needed to be simple, straightforward and efficient
A large number of member states underlined the need for farmers and national administrations to have a clear picture of their obligations before using equivalent-type measures. These delegations saw an important role for the Commission in this respect, especially on ex ante validation of equivalent measures
For those measures taken in the context of the agri-environmental/climate chapter of rural development, a number of delegations have suggested that these measures could be deemed equivalent and validated by the Commission when it approves national rural development programmes. Some delegations underlined that overly complicated or cumbersome procedures should be avoided
In this respect, particular attention needed to be given to the link between the greening in the first pillar (direct payments) and the baseline for agri-environmental/climate measures under the second pillar in order to avoid double funding. Some delegations believed that there was no problem with double funding and some suggested that greening should not be included in the baseline under the second pillar
Single CMO
On the sugar quota regime due to expire on 30 September 2015, the Presidency noted that, a number of delegations opposed the end of this regime and would like it extended at least until 2020, whilst a number of other delegations supported the planned expiry
Concerning vine planting rights , a large number of delegations supported the Presidency view that it was more appropriate to await the recommendations of the High Level Group on vine planting rights before taking up the subject at Council level
The High Level Group was set up by the Commission to examine the issue of vine planting rights and is expected to present its recommendations in December 2012
Rural development
Among the issues on rural development considered in need of further discussion in the Council, the delineation of areas with natural constraints was a priority for a number of member states
Several delegations also raised the topic of risk management in their priorities. While some wished to limit the scope of the measures and are opposed to the income stabilisation tool, others wished to maintain these measures as they considered them to be essential
Several member states referred to simplifying the approval of rural development programmes in the framework of state aid procedures
With regard to the postponement of the decision on the multi-annual financial framework (MFF) 2014-2020, some delegations highlighted the need to maintain the share of the budget devoted to rural development
The CAP reform package was presented by the Commission at the Agriculture Council meeting in October 2011. Since then, the Council has held general policy debates on the CAP reform proposals almost monthly
The Danish Presidency also presented a progress report highlighting the progress achieved during the first half of 2012 on key issues of the CAP reform proposals
This debate was the fourth one at the level of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council under the Cyprus Presidency. In July the Council had an extensive discussion of exceptional support measures under the single CMO regulation, and of risk management under the rural development regulation. In September, the Council debated the issue of reference and intervention prices and their possible update (single CMO) and completed the discussion on the delimitation of areas with natural constraints (rural development)
In October the Council held a further debate on the reinforcement of producer organisations (single CMO) and then turned its attention once more to the regulation on direct payments. Ministers held a policy debate on the important issues of internal convergence and young farmers
Lactic acid
A proposal for a regulation concerning the use of lactic acid to reduce microbiological surface contamination on bovine carcasses will be presented to the Council for adoption (). No agreement was reached either in favour of or against the authorisation
The Commission proposal follows an application from the US Department of Agriculture to be able to use lactic acid to reduce surface contamination of bovine carcasses and meat. Since lactic acid is widely used by U.S. beef industry, the "lactic acid regulation" is informally linked to the 2009 bilateral memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the US and EU on beef trade. In accordance with the second phase of the MOU, the EU on 1st July 2012 opened an increased import quota (TRQ) for beef not treated with hormones. Authorisation of lactic acid would allow the USA to fill this export quota
On 26 July 2011 the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) adopted a scientific opinion on the evaluation of the safety and efficacy of lactic acid for the removal of microbial surface contamination from beef carcasses, cuts and trimmings. EFSA concluded that these treatments will be of no safety concern provided the substance used complies with the EU specifications for food additives
At its meeting on 21 September 2012, the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health was unable to achieve the qualified majority necessary to deliver an opinion for or against the authorisation measure proposed by the Commission. In the absence of an opinion, the Council has two months in which to give its position following which the Parliament would also have an additional two months to give its position
Today, the Council noted that there was not a qualified majority either in favour of or against the proposal. In this case the regulation will be adopted by the Commission
Fishing opportunities for deep-sea stocks for 2013-2014
Ministers have reached a political agreement on fishing opportunities for certain deep-sea stocks for 2013 and 2014 () on the basis of a Presidency compromise, drawn up in agreement with the Commission
The Council will adopt this regulation, following finalisation by the legal/linguistic experts, at one of its forthcoming meetings
This political agreement concerns certain stocks of deep water fish such as certain deepseasharks, the black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo), roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris), alfonsinos (Beryx spp.) and forkbeards (Phycis blennoides).
Concerning deep sea sharks, no direct fishing will take place in 2013-2014
Where the scientific advices gave indications for maximum sustainable yields (MSY) targets, a gradual approach towards MSY has been agreed by 2015 when possible
The TACs agreed for the main deep species are set out in the table below:
Species (common name) |
Species (Latin name) |
ICES fishing zone |
EC TACs 2012 (in tonnes) |
Commission proposal on EC TACs for 2013 (in tonnes) |
Council decision on EC TACs for 2013 (in tonnes) |
Difference from EC TACs for 2012 (in %) |
Commission proposal on EC TACs for 2014 (in tonnes) |
Council decision on EC TACs for 2014 (in tonnes) |
Difference from EC TACs for 2013 (in %) |
TACs and quotas for 2013 and 2014 for certain stocks of deep water fish: Council decision and initial Commission proposal |
Deep-sea sharks |
V, VI, VII, VIII, IX (EU waters and international waters) |
Deep-sea sharks |
X (EU waters and international waters) |
Deep-sea sharks |
XII (EU waters and international waters) |
Black scabbardfish |
Aphanopus carbo |
I, II, III and IV (EU waters and international waters) |
9 |
0% |
9 |
0% |
Black scabbardfish 1 |
Aphanopus carbo |
V, VI, VII and XII (EU waters and international waters) |
2179 |
2615 |
3051 |
40% |
3138 |
3966 |
30% |
Black scabbardfish (1) |
Aphanopus carbo |
VIII, IX and X (EU waters and international waters) |
3348 |
3515 |
3700 |
11% |
3691 |
3700 |
0% |
Black scabbardfish |
Aphanopus carbo |
CECAF 34.1.2 (EU waters and international waters) - Madère |
3867 |
3094 |
3674 |
-5% |
2475 |
3490 |
-6% |
Alfonsinos (1) |
Beryx spp |
III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV (EU waters and international waters) |
312 |
-5% |
296 |
-5% |
Roundnose grenadier |
Coryphaenoides rupestris |
I, II et IV (EU waters and international waters) |
13 |
0% |
13 |
0% |
Roundnose grenadier |
Coryphaenoides rupestris |
III (EU waters and international waters) |
680 |
-20% |
544 |
-20% |
Roundnose grenadier (1) |
Coryphaenoides rupestris |
Vb, VI, VII (EU waters and international waters) |
2546 |
4500 |
4297 |
69% |
4500 |
4297 |
0% |
Roundnose grenadier (1) |
Coryphaenoides rupestris |
VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV (EU waters and international waters) |
3979 |
3350 |
3581 |
-10% |
2850 |
3223 |
-10% |
Orange roughy |
Hoplostethus atlanticus |
VI (EU waters and international waters) |
0 |
0 |
Orange roughy |
Hoplostethus atlanticus |
VII (EU waters and international waters) |
0 |
0 |
Analytical TAC for these species will facilitate interannual flexibility
Species (common name) |
Species (Latin name) |
ICES fishing zone |
EC TACs 2012 (in tonnes) |
Commission proposal re EC TACs for 2013 (in tonnes) |
Council decision on EC TACs for 2013 (in tonnes) |
Difference from EC TACs for 2012 (in %) |
Commission proposal re EC TACs for 2014 (in tonnes) |
Council decision on EC TACs for 2014 (in tonnes) |
Difference from EC TACs for 2013 (in %) |
TACs and quotas for 2013 and 2014 for certain stocks of deep water fish: Council decision and initial Commission proposal |
Orange roughy |
Hoplostethus atlanticus |
I, II, III, IV, V, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIV (EU waters and international waters) |
0 |
0 |
Blue ling |
Molva dypterygia |
II, IV (EU waters and international waters) |
45 |
-20% |
36 |
-20% |
Blue ling |
Molva dypterygia |
III (EU waters and international waters) |
6 |
-25% |
5 |
-17% |
Red seabream 2 |
Pagellus bogaraveo |
VI, VII and VIII (EU waters and international waters) |
196 |
-9% |
178 |
-9% |
Red seabream (1) |
Pagellus bogaraveo |
IX (EU waters and international waters) |
780 |
0% |
780 |
0% |
Red seabream (1) |
Pagellus bogaraveo |
X (EU waters and international waters) |
1136 |
1022 |
-10% |
920 |
-10% |
Forkbeards(1) |
Phycis blennoides |
I, II, III and IV (EU waters and international waters) |
31 |
0% |
31 |
0% |
Forkbeards(1) |
Phycis blennoides |
V, VI and VII (EU waters and international waters) |
2028 |
1622 |
2028 |
0% |
1298 |
2028 |
0% |
Forkbeards(1) |
Phycis blennoides |
VIII and IX (EU waters and international waters) |
267 |
0% |
267 |
0% |
Forkbeards (1) |
Phycis blennoides |
X and XII (EU waters and international waters) |
54 |
0% |
54 |
0% |
Analytical TAC for these species will facilitate interannual flexibility
Deep-sea stocks are fish stocks caught in waters beyond the main fishing grounds of continental shelves. They are distributed on the continental slopes or associated with seamounts. These species are slow-growing and long-lived, which can make them potentially vulnerable to fishing activity. Scientific knowledge on the longevity and growth of these species, although still partial in the assessment of the stock status, is improving allowing to better target the measures proposed
In order to ensure the sustainability of the resource, fishing for deep-sea species is regulated by the EU since 2003 in terms of total allowable catches (TACs) per species and area, and in terms of maximum fishing effort deployable in the North-East Atlantic. The fishing opportunities for deep-sea species are decided on a bi-annual basis according to the rhythm of scientific stock assessments
The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) provides a review of the biological status of deep sea stocks every two years. The latest advice was given in June 2012. This proposal for fixing fishing opportunities is based on the further review undertaken by the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) in July 2012, following the work of ICES. Both advices indicate that most deep-sea stocks are in a precarious situation, and that fishing opportunities for those stocks, in order to assure their sustainability, should be reduced until the evolution of the stock sizes show a positive trend. This year, for the first time, scientific advice is available for most stocks covered by the proposal fixing fishing opportunities for certain deep-sea fish stocks. For some stocks it has been possible to identify levels of fishing that could bring the resource to maximum sustainable yield (MSY). For other important species advices are based on trends but provides indication on how achieving MSY in 2015
According to Article 43(3) of the Treaty, the Council, has to adopt measures on a proposal from the Commission on the fixing and allocation of fishing opportunities for deep-sea stocks
EU/ Norway - annual consultations for 2013
The Council held an exchange of views on annual consultations between the EU and Norway under their bilateral fisheries agreement. Ministers were briefed about the results of the first round of consultations for 2013 which took place from 19 to 23 November this year in Brussels. They discussed the preparation of the second round which will take place from 3 to 7 December in Norway
Most of the delegations recognised the interest of this agreement with Norway but would favour a cautious approach from the EU on the level of TACs and other associated measures for the main jointly-managed joint stocks in the North Sea. They would recommend also a cautious approach for other stocks that might be interesting to identify and use for the reciprocal exchange of quotas
Concerning the management of mackerel stock in the North-East Atlantic, the Commission reported about the failure of negotiations with Iceland and the Faroe Islands. These negotiations also directly involve also directly Norway together with the EU. Several member states pointed out the need for trade measures as provided by the instrument adopted by the Council in October this year
The main issues for the consultations this year are the following:
•Detailed management arrangements for jointly-managed fish stocks (cod, haddock, plaice, whiting, herring, saithe) in accordance with the long-term management plans, involving in particular the establishment of the TACs and quotas for the respective parties;
•Agreement on exchanges of reciprocal fishing possibilities, which will enable the continuation of a number of important fishing operations for the fishermen of both parties, including fishing opportunities for Arctic cod in Norwegian waters, as well as other measures in fisheries of mutual interest
•Cooperation with Norway as regards the mackerel management issue in the framework of negotiations with the other two Coastal States, Iceland and the Faroe Islands
The 1980 bilateral fisheries agreement between the EC and Norway covers joint stocks in the North Sea, some jointly managed, others not. Annual TACs are set jointly by the EC and Norway for the jointly managed joint stocks. There are joint long-term management plans for cod, haddock, herring and saithe and basic principles for a long-term management plan for plaice, based on the EU long-term management plan for sole and plaice in the North Sea (regulation ). A ten-year agreement with Norway on mackerel was agreed in January 2010, including mutual access in the North Sea. This agreement is contingent on a satisfactory overall bilateral agreement. The reciprocal exchange of quotas needs to be in overall balance across the agreement
Increased error rate in rural development
The Commission briefed the Council about reasons for the increased error rate under the "rural development" chapter of the CAP and potential corrective or preventive actions to be taken ().
The 2011 annual report of the European Court of Auditors estimates the most likely error rate (MLE) for the whole chapter "rural development, environment, fisheries and health" to amount to 7.7%. This underlines that rural development expenditure is much more prone to errors than direct payments
The relatively high error rate for rural development policy must be understood in the context of the specificities of this policy. Rural development applies highly targeted solutions to the significantly varied challenges faced by rural areas around the EU, and is therefore intrinsically more complex than direct payments
The specific working group assessing these errors established their main root causes. On this basis, the Commission envisages corrective and preventive actions. As rural development is a shared responsibility between the EU and the member states, the Commission intends to take steps already during the current programming period, either by providing more information to member states regarding measures with high error rates or by scheduling more targeted audits. The most important corrective action will be the preparation for the programmes of the next programming period avoiding from the outset those root causes identified
EU-Morocco agricultural agreement
The Spanish delegation briefed the ministers about the implementation of the EU-Morocco agricultural agreement with regard to the tomato sector ().
Many member states supported the Spanish delegation which detailed the difficult situation in the tomato sector owing to the low prices prevailing on the EU market, and expressed doubts about the functioning of the "entry price" system provided for in the EU-Morocco agreement on agriculture. The Commission should ensure the correct implementation of the system
The Commission pointed out that to monitor the system, it is largely dependent on data provided by the custom services in the member states. Recent data provided do not reflect the market situation described by Spain. Therefore, the Commission invited the Member States to verify their data with their national custom authorities
The EU-Morocco agreement concerning reciprocal liberalisation measures on agricultural products, processes agricultural products, fish and fishery products entered into force on 1 October 2012 . This agreement recognises that tomatoes (fresh or chilled) are sensitive products and to this end the agreement maintains a system of entry prices (at 46.1 EUR/100 kg). The system provides that complementary fees are to be applied when products reach the border at prices below the entry price
New European food model
The Council was briefed by the Austrian delegation supported by Latvian delegation about a new European food model ().
A large number of delegations agreed with the holistic approach proposed by Austria for the food chain, which is centred around the principle of sustainability and takes into account the following aspects: food security, food safety, food quality, regional supply, diversity, value and appreciation of food
On 26 January 2012 in Vienna, the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture and the Austrian Association of Food Industries organised a joint workshop in Vienna on the topic "A New European Food Model: Challenges and Opportunities". Speakers included representatives of the government, the education system, research, trade, interest groups and civil society. The conclusions of this workshop were taken as the basis for the proposed approach
Norway pout stock
Ministers were briefed by the Danish delegation on the management of Norway pout stock () in the framework of the fishing opportunities 2013 in the EU waters
Some member states supported Denmark in its request for a long term management plan for the Norway pout. The Commission will examine whether such a change in the management plan could be initiated for 2013
The Danish delegation indicated that there is a long delay between the scientific advice, the establishment of preliminary TACs and the beginning of the fishing season for short lived species such as Norway pout in the North Sea. This means that the fleet fishing this stock has to stay in harbors waiting for the opening of this fishery without any hope to be compensated later on due to seasonality and the short lived nature of this species
Denmark would promote a faster procedure for fisheries' opening when fishing opportunities follow the scientific advice. Moreover, a long term management strategy should be could be put in place providing for more stability in the exploitation of the Norway pout stock
EU-Mauritania fisheries agreement
The Dutch delegation briefed the Council about the EU-Mauritania fisheries agreement ().
Several delegations shared the concerns highlighted by the Netherlands about a possible underuse of the protocol to this agreement. They would like that a joint technical committee between the EU and Mauritania could discuss the technical conditions of this protocol. The Commission agreed to the organisation of such a joint technical committee
In their request, the Netherlands asked about the assessment of the effective use of the protocol and appropriate measures to be taken in line with article 5 of the protocol. This provides that if four months after its provisional application it is estimated that the effective use will be less than 75% of what is envisaged in the protocol, it can be terminated
Steering board for the European Innovation Partnership on agriculture
The Council adopted conclusions with regard to the representatives on the steering board for the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) "Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability" ().
On 18 June 2012 the Council adopted conclusions on the EIP "Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability". Members of the Commission responsible for Agriculture and Research asked the Council to nominate three ministers with expertise in agricultural research and innovation to the steering board of this EIP
The Council decided to nominate to the steering board of the EIP:
•Ms Mette GJERSKOV, Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark;
•Mr Athanasios TSAFTARIS, Minister for Rural Development and Food of Greece; and,
•Mr. Daniel CONSTANTIN, Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development of Romania,
Partnership agreement between EU and Madagascar - Renewal of the protocol
The Council adopted a decision on the signing on behalf of the EU, and on the provisional application of the protocol setting out fishing opportunities and the financial contribution provided for in the fisheries partnership agreement (FPA) between the EU and the Republic of Madagascar (/12 REV I).
The partnership agreement in the fisheries sector between the EU and Madagascar was concluded in 2007. The main objective of the protocol to this FPA is to define the fishing opportunities offered to EU vessels as well as the financial contribution due, separately, for access rights and for sectoral support. Following negotiations, a new protocol was initialled on 10 May 2012, with the previous protocol due to expire on 31 December 2012. In order to allow EU vessels to carry on fishing activities, the new protocol should be applied from the date of its signature on a provisional basis, pending completion of the procedures for its formal conclusion
In addition tothe signing and the provisional application of this new protocol, the Council adopted also a regulation concerning the allocation of fishing opportunities between member states (/12 REV I).
Appointment of Tonio Borg as commissioner for health and consumer affairs
The Council appointed by common accord with the President of the Commission, José Manuel Durao Barroso, and in accordance with article 246 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU Tonio Borg as new commissioner for health and consumer affairs for the remainder of the current term of office of the Commission (31 October 2014)
Tonio Borg is a Maltese national and has been Deputy Prime Minister of his country since 2004 and Minister for Foreign Affairs since 2008. He replaces John Dalli