Verklaring Hoge Vertegenwoordiger Ashton over de presidentsverkiezingen in Sierra Leone (en)
Brussels, 28 November 2012 A
Statement by EU High Representative, Catherine Ashton i, on the results of presidential elections in Sierra Leone
Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, made the following statement today:
"Following the announcement by the National Election Commission (NEC) of the results of the presidential elections held on 17 November 2012,1 wish to congratulate President Ernest Bai Koroma on his re-election by Sierra Leone's voters.
I also congratulate all the people of Sierra Leone who participated in the election in such high numbers and in such a peaceful manner. I look forward to the EU EOM's recommendations for any further improvements to be made, and hope any challenges to the results will be dealt with expeditiously by the appropriate constitutional bodies.
It is now time to look forward and work together for the future of the country. This requires the contribution of all and the combined efforts of the newly elected democratic institutions, once fully established. As a close and long standing partner, the EU looks forward to continuing its strong partnership with Sierra Leone with the aim of supporting the country's social, economic and democratic development."