Europese Commissie pleit voor meer scholing ouderen (en)
The European Commission has published a statement today calling on authorities and organisations in Member States to do more to promote the benefits of lifelong learning, active ageing and intergenerational solidarity.
Today only 3.6% of older people are involved in learning. Yet studies show that lifelong learning encourages older people to stay in work longer, helps to ensure healthy ageing and active participation in society, and decreases their risk of social exclusion or poverty. It also reduces the 'digital gap': nearly 50% of people aged 55-74 in Europe have never used a computer.
The statement was adopted at the "One Step Up in later life: learning for active ageing and intergenerational solidarity" conference in Brussels, which gathered around 200 participants including government officials, stakeholder organisations, trade union and employer representatives, businesses and beneficiaries of the Commission's Grundtvig i programme, which supports adult education.
The event, opened by Androulla Vassiliou i, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, also highlighted the need to modernise education and training systems to reflect the fact that 30% of the European population will be aged over 65 in the coming decades.