Verklaring Van Rompuy op de vergadering met de president van de Republiek Haïti, Michel Joseph Martelly (en)
Brussels, 19 November 2012
Statement by Herman Van Rompuy i, President of the European Council, at the meeting with the President of the Republic of Haiti, Michel Joseph Martelly
It is a pleasure to welcome the Haitian President, Mr Michel Martelly, to Brussels. This is the first visit by a Haitian Head of State to the European Institutions. For years, the EU has been a reliable and solid partner to Haiti, a country with which we have historical, linguistic and cultural links
Since its formation in May 2012, the government has done a great deal to advance reforms, improve its strategic planning capability and enable the coordination of international aid to resume
These are essential building blocks for further stimulating the country's reconstruction and economic recovery. I told President Martelly that we appreciate the effort made and would encourage him to continue on the same path
We also discussed the need to guarantee a stable political climate so that European and international cooperation can be conducted swiftly and effectively. That will require efforts by all Haiti's political parties and institutions to reach the necessary political compromises
In our view, it is essential that all the political players act responsibly, bearing in mind that the major objective is to meet the expectations of the Haitian people, who are still facing enormous difficulties and precarious living conditions
I told President Martelly that we expect the withdrawal of MINUSTAH in the medium term to be turned into an opportunity to put a strategy in place to reform the whole of the security sector, strengthening the Haitian police service and the criminal justice system, the prison system and the border control system
In conclusion, I assured President Martelly that the EU will remain fully engaged with the government to guarantee better living conditions and a better for future for all of Haiti's people