Digitale Agenda: Bestuur European Cloud Partnership trapt af (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 19 november 2012.

European Commission

Press release

Brussels, 19 November 2012

Digital Agenda: Tech CEOs and leaders kickstart new EU cloud computing board

The Steering Board of the new European Cloud Partnership (ECP) met for the first time in Brussels today, kicking-off a process where public authorities and industry work together to help building the EU Digital Single Market for cloud computing pursuant to the European Cloud Computing Strategy . Specifically, the ECP aims at leveraging the public sector's buying power to shape the growing and maturing market for cloud computing services. Chaired by Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of Estonia, the board brings together tech Chief Executive Officers and government representatives with responsibility for IT procurement. The board will deliver strategic advice to Vice President Kroes (see annex for full list of members).

European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes i said : "I need this top-level input so that all of Europe can see the full benefits of cloud computing, and quickly. President Ilves and all Board members are going to give no-nonsense, action-oriented advice to get the European Cloud Partnership moving."

Under the guidance of its Steering Board, the ECP will bring together public authorities and industry consortia to implement pre-commercial procurement actions for public sector cloud computing. The ECP will develop common cloud computing procurement requirements for use by Member States and public authorities throughout the EU.

Today the Steering Board discussed and decided on its 2013-2014 objectives (see its public statement). Most importantly, the board will work to raise public awareness and map out practical solutions to barriers to cloud computing adoption in the public sector whilst dispelling imaginary ones. It aims at making cloud readiness and adoption a political priority.


This is one of the key actions of the European Cloud Computing Strategy adopted by the European Commission earlier this year .

The main mission of the Steering Board is to provide strategic advice to the ECP and orientations for possible new ECP initiatives. In particular this could comprise reviewing and advising on implementation issues and providing recommendations for future implementation, uptake and research actions. Looking beyond the ECP, the board may also express views and recommendations on the range of other policies and actions put forward in the Cloud Computing Strategy.

The board, the Chairperson and members of the Steering Board were appointed by Vice-President Kroes. It will meet two or three times per year and may consult with industrial, academic and governmental bodies and experts.

On the implementation level, an initial budget of €10 million has already been earmarked for a pre-commercial procurement project in the ICT theme of the 7 th Framework Programme for Research (FP7). The relevant call for proposals was published on 9 July.

Useful links

European Cloud Partnership

Steering Board Public Statement

Cloud Computing Strategy

Terms of reference of the Steering Board of the European Cloud Partnership

"The Clikkers and the Cloud" video

FP7 call for proposals (please refer to page 109 of the document)

Hash Tag: #cloudstrategy

Neelie Kroes website

Follow Neelie on Twitter


Contacts :

Ryan Heath (+32 2 296 17 16), Twitter: @RyanHeathEU

Linda Cain (+32 2 299 90 19)

Annex: Members of the European Cloud Partnership Steering Board


Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Chair of Steering Board, President of Estonia

Léo Apotheker, former CEO of SAP AG and HP

Thierry Breton, Chairman and CEO of ATOS

Bernard Charles, President and CEO of Dassault Systèmes

Christian Fredrikson, President and CEO of F-Secure Corporation

Michael Gorriz, CIO of Daimler AG and President of EuroCIO

Jim Hagemann-Snabe, Co-CEO of SAP AG

Matthew Key, Chairman and CEO of Telefonica Digital

Pierre Nanterme, CEO of Accenture

Karl-Heinz Streibich, CEO, Chairman of the Management Board and Group Executive Board of Software AG

Hans Vestberg, President and CEO of Ericsson

Werner Vogels, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of

Katarina de Brisis, Deputy Director General of the Norwegian Ministry of Government Administration and Reform

Aitor Cubo Contreras, Deputy Director General of Programs, Studies and Promotion of Electronic Administration, Spanish Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations

Jérôme Filippini, ICT Corporate Director for France, Direction interministérielle des systèmes d'information et de communication de l’État

Maarten Hillenaar, Government CIO and Director of the central government ICT-policy department, Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

Reinhard Posch, CIO and Chair of the Austrian e-Government DIGITAL:AUSTRIA, Austrian Federal Government

Andrzej R ęgowski, Vice-Minister, Polish Ministry of Administration and Digital Affairs