GBVB nieuwsbrief: coherentie in EU-veiligheid staat voorop (en)
EW1CSDP . aipsDc
Politique de sëcurlté et de defense commune
Issue # 65 -16 November 2012
Debate on CSDP at the European Parliament i
The need to create and apply a comprehensive approach to security issues was a key theme of the meeting of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) with EU High Representative and Vice-President of the European Commission (HRVP) Catherine Ashton i on 7 November. The discussion was held in the context of the report on the implementation of the Common Security and Defence Policy prepared by SEDE Chair Arnaud Danjean. SEDE Members agreed with the High Representative that EU missions can be an efficient tool in dealing with security threats only if they are a part of a broader strategy mobilising EU resources to address complex problems
Catherine Ashton also stressed that in times of economic crisis it is more important than ever to develop a systematic approach to pooling and sharing military resources and cooperating with NATO to ensure the full complementarity with the concept of smart defence. The High Representative said: "We need to marshal to our aide all of the different elements that we have, getting cleverer, smarter about the resources that we have - through the European Defence Agency, developing new ways of collaboration, working closely with the defence industry, making sure that we have strong ideas on growth and innovation, and working with third parties, countries with whom we have a common interest on particular projects."
The HRVP briefed SEDE members about ongoing work on the crisis management concepts for two potential missions: in Mali and Libya. She also announced that detailed ideas on crisis management in Mali would be presented to EU foreign and defence ministers during the Council meeting on 19th November. Moreover, the High Representative recalled that the extension of the mission EUCAP Sahel Niger to other countries of the region was considered
Catherine Ashton pointed out that possible new EU involvement in Africa should not distract attention from previous CSDP commitments: "We should not forget that we have to finish what we have started with on-going missions that we have. I think here especially of the work that we are doing in the Balkans", concluded the chief of EU diplomacy
•Watch the debate on CSDP
Un nouveau Président pour Ie Comité Militaire de l'Union Européenne (CMUE)
Le 6 novembre, Ie général francais Patrick de Rousiers a pris ses fonctions de Président du Comité militaire de l'Union Européenne (CMUE). II accomplira cette tache pour les trois prochaines années
Lors de la conférence de presse organisée le 31 Octobre après la réunion des chefs d'état-major des armées, le général Patrick de Rousiers a expliqué ses priorités pour le CMUE. II a souligné que son mandat serait consacré a l'édifïcation de la PSDC dans tous ses aspects: par le biais des opérations, et du renforcement des capacités et des institutions. Le nouveau président de la CMUE a déclaré: «Je crois en la défense européenne. Je la considère comme une réponse aux difficultés auxquelles nous sommes confrontés aujourd'hui. Je suis impatient de continuer sur la voie qui a été tracée par mon prédécesseur, le Général Hakan Syrén."
Le Général de Rousiers a indiqué trois piliers qui sous-tendent eet objectif. Tout d'abord, la solidarité entre les forces armées basées sur des exercices militaires, la coopération éducative tels que le programme «Erasmus militaire» et les initiatives de mise en commun et de partage. Deuxièmement, l'accent sur la promotion de la planifkation prudente des opérations militaires. Troisièmement, le développement de 'Tapproche globale" qui s'est avérée essentielle pour le succès des opérations militaires de l'UE
•Conférence de presse avee le général Hakan Syrén et le général Patrick de Rousiers
Catherine Ashton discute de la crise au Mali lors de sa visite en Algérie
Au cours de sa récente visite en Algérie, la Haute Représentante de l'Union européenne Catherine Ashton a eu l'occasion d'obtenir des informations précieuses sur la situation au Mali.
L'Algérie, pays frontalier avec Ie Mali, partage avec l'UE l'intérêt de promouvoir la paix et la sécurité dans la région. Compte tenu du röle politique et économique de premier plan qu'elle jouedans la région, l'Algérie est un partenairecrucial de 1'Union Européenne dans ses efforts visant a résoudre la crise au Mali
Après la rencontre avec Ie président algérien, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, Ie 6 Novembre 2012 Catherine Ashton a également soulignél'importanced'approfondiretderenforcer les relations avec Ie Maghreb:"Nous envisageons de renforcer nos relations avec Ie Maghreb et souhaitons renforcer notre partenariat avec les pays de la région."a déclaré la Haute représentante
Ces remarques font suite aux conclusions du conseil Affaires étrangères du 15 Octobre, qui a appelé «Ie mécanisme de coordination avec les principaux partenaires du Mali a être étendu en vue d'accroTtre l'effïcacité du soutien au processus de transition sur Ie plan politique, la sécurité et au niveau économique"
EU Naval Force saves Iranian sailors from suspected pirates
Bold action carried by a German frigate FGS Sachsen on 19 and 20 October saved 20 Iranian sailors from what could have been a prolonged captivity
The EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) FGS Sachsen received a distress call on 19 October from the fishing vessel and was dispatched immediately to the last known position 250 nautical miles north-east off the coast of Somalia. On the next day the German frigate located the dhow and established contact with the master of the dhow. Over the radio the master reported that his vessel had been taken by force six days before and that pirates were threatening his crew
Successful action of the EU Naval Force freed hostages who have been provided with food, water and technical assistance to continue their journey. Seven suspected pirates were detained and several assault rifles AK47 as well as a Rocket Propelled Grenade launcher (RPG) were confiscated
The EU and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia strengthen their crisis management cooperation
On 29 October Pierre Vimont, the Executive Secretary General of the European External Action Service, and Nikola Poposki, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (fYRoM), signed a Framework Agreement for the participation of the country in EU crisis management operations
The agreement sets down a legal framework governing any future participation by fYRoM in the full range of EU-led operations and missions.This new instrument enables smooth involvement in on-going and future EU crisis management efforts in different theatres
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has already proved to be a valuable CSDP partner, supporting EU military operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (EUFOR i Althea): it provided helicopters and medical support and it continues to contribute troops to the operation, while participating in an EU Battlegroup in the second half of 2012
EEAS i contributes to NATO i's Crisis Management Exercise CMX12
The European External Action Service (EEAS) took part in NATO's CMX12 exercise (12 to 16 November). The scenario of this event-driven exercise portrayed an escalating threat from chemical, biological, and radiological proliferation events, as well as cyber-attacks affecting some EU Member States, with major incidents in two Member States
The EEAS participation consisted of exchanges of information with NATO at staff level on the evolving crisis situation and on the actions being fictitiously taken in support of the affected countries. The EEAS will also provide NATO with a paper portraying an overall picture of the EU response in case of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or cyber-attacks occurring in Member States
Upcoming activities
19 November: Catherine Ashton chairs Foreign Affairs Council (including in defence formation) in Brussels
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