Eurocommissaris Olli Rehn spreekt met Griekse minister over absorptiedoel bij cohesiebeleid (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Regionaal beleid en Stadsontwikkeling (REGIO) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 13 november 2012.

The main aim of the meeting was to discuss the most challenging implementation issues, among others EU funds absorption target for 2012 and successful implementation of priority projects. After the meeting Commissioner Hahn i said: 'I am rather confident that Greece will be able to meet structural funds absorption target that has been agreed in the Memorandum of Understanding and which in 2012 amounts to 3.7 billion EUR. Greece should continue efforts to make the best use of the cohesion policy funds that are available for the country, as they are the source of growth and jobs'.

Minister Hatzidakis confirmed also that Greek authorities continue efforts to timely implement priority projects. He announced that for those priority projects that are delayed special coordinators were appointed to facilitate the removal of implementation bottlenecks.

Commissioner Hahn was also informed about the Greek government actions aimed at simplification of procedures and the improvements on the SME access to finance. Especially for the latter there is a need to provide as soon as possible - also via the EIB assistance - solutions to SMEs liquidity problems. Minister Hatzidakis and Commissioner Hahn discussed also a need to have a detailed overview of the tourism projects currently implemented and for the regional governors to put more emphasis on the finalisation of those projects as they enhance the attractiveness of the Greek regions for foreigners.