EU test beschermingsprocedures bij rampen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-Generaal Europese Civiele Bescherming en Humanitaire Operaties (ECHO) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 13 november 2012.

MIC Duty Officers are testing a new emergency communication tool "" that enables a rapid response and deployment to the disaster area within hours after the incident.

13/11/2012 - In Aude, France, an EU civil protection field exercise in crisis communication and response capacity to a major disaster in Europe is being held from 13 to 15 November 2012. France, Belgium, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Czech Republic and staff from the European Commission´s Monitoring and Information Centre (MIC) are testing the efficiency of civil protection procedures for major disasters.

The scenario is based on a fictitious European country affected by a major earthquake resulting in several incidents such as flooding, landslide, disruption of power supplies and communications, collapse of infrastructure, and accidents in industrial plants.

All the chains of command of a country affected by simultaneous major natural and technological disasters will be tested as well as European coordination of civil protection assistance through an immediate activation of the European Civil Protection Mechanism.

The exercise will promote also the transfer of knowledge among the participants. Luxembourg, for example, is participating with its "" platform, an innovative tool consisting of satellite infrastructure and communication services that enables a rapid response and deployment to the disaster area within hours after the incident.