Bondskanselier Merkel optimistisch over akkoord voor EU-budget (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 2 november 2012, 9:26.
Auteur: Valentina Pop

Berlin - German Chancellor Angela Merkel i is still hopeful a deal on the EU budget can be reached later this month, seeing the veto threats from several countries as part of the negotiating process.

"On the multi-annual budget, we still have tough decisions ahead. But both Germany and Ireland want to set a sign very early on that there is a planning for the future EU funds and we hope we will succeed," Merkel said on Thursday (1 November), with Ireland taking over the rotating EU presidency in January.

She downplayed veto threats by Britain, Sweden, Denmark and France on the proposed €1 trillion EU budget for 2014-2020, saying they are "part of the negotiations."

"I will hold direct talks with David Cameron i next week. We are in close contact with the UK and Germany will do everything so that a solution is found," she said, in reference to her planned visit to London next week.

Cameron is in a difficult position after a vote in the British Parliament on Wednesday demanding him to ask for a budget cut in real terms instead of a budget freeze as he had planned.

"We'll have to see how things evolve, for now it's too early to say and I do not want to throw further vetoes in the room. That does not help finding a solution," Merkel said.

Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny i also said it was "important that we have a budget for the EU" and that "different opinions" ahead of the 22 November summit are to be expected.

Back in Brussels, EU officials speak of "promising" movement among member states towards reaching a compromise, despite the likely British veto threat if no cuts are made.

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