Cypriotisch voorzitterschap bereikt doelstelling op gebied van visserijbeleid (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Cypriotisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 24 oktober 2012.

EU i Fisheries Ministers took another firm step towards the Common Fisheries policy (CFP) reform in the early hours of this morning, as they reached on a partial general approach for the Legislative proposal for the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). Taking into account the agreement during the first day of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council on fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea in 2013, the results of the Council in the fisheries sector are being considered as very positive.

The compromise text by the Presidency is thought to have significantly contributed in achieving the partial general approach, which is a partial agreement reached on a legislative act prior to the outcome of the debate on the financial perspective, for the Commission’s proposal on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. An agreement was reached on a major part of the EMFF proposal after intensive but productive discussions on the outstanding issues an agreement has been reached on the major part of the EMFF proposal. The discussion focused among others on the main outstanding issues, related to the measures for restructuring of the fleet and market measures, such as processing and storage aid.

The agreement on the Fisheries Fund includes all the measures and acts that are necessary for a successful, reformed new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).

“The needs for the reform of the CFP have been addressed, innovation, support to coastal development, incentives for promoting growth and creating jobs are also incorporated,” said Cyprus’ Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment Minister, Mr. Sofoclis Aletraris, who chaired the meeting. According to the Minister, today’s Council agreement allows for a broad range of measures that could be used to implement the CFP according to the needs of Member States or the coastal and fisheries areas.

“Reaching an agreement on the major part of the EMFF was a Cyprus Presidency priority and we made every effort possible to achieve this. All existing and new actions will help to make the ambitious objectives of the reform of the CFP and of Europe 2020 a reality,” added Mr. Aletraris.

Positive evaluation of the Council’s results

Considering the Council’s results of the two-day Council, the Cypriot Minister said that the attainment of any possible agreement was possible only thanks to the hard work and commitment of all interested parties and constitutes a very good example as to how Member States, the Commission and the Presidency can cooperate effectively. On the agreement reached during the first day of the Council on fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea in 2013, Mr. Aletraris stressed the importance of this agreement, clarifying that it is the first time that this specific agreement has been taken with a wide consensus between Member States and without time-consuming and difficult negotiations.

“This is the prime example of a very successful and responsible regional cooperation,” he said.