Cypriotisch voorzitterschap nadrukt belang voor akkoord meerjarenbegroting (en)
The key debate at the European Parliament’s (EP) Plenary meeting in Strasbourg today, October 23, was held jointly on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and own resources. The Cypriot Deputy Minister for European Affairs, Ambassador Andreas D. Mavroyiannis intervened, οn behalf of the Council, on this crucial issue, which is also a key priority for the Cyprus Presidency. During yesterday’s session he also intervened during the discussion on the European Year for Citizens.
In order to progress negotiations on the MFF for the period 2014-2020, the European Parliament voted today on an interim report, which includes the EP’s positions and priorities, in the interests of achieving a positive outcome of the MFF negotiations. In his intervention, Ambassador Mavroyiannis underlined the importance of concluding the negotiations on the future MFF at the special November European Council meeting, which is one of the top priorities of the Cyprus Presidency.
MFF the main instrument for growth
“The timely conclusion of the MFF will give the Union the means to act and the capacity to implement its policies. The timing of the agreement is crucial - but so is the quality” declared the Cypriot Deputy Minister.
Ambassador Mavroyiannis also referred to the MFF as the main instrument for growth and jobs and for honouring the contract between generations, and pleaded for an MFF, that will ensure that the Union’s budget will lift Europe out of the crisis in a sustainable way. He continued though, adding that that “at a time of exceptional fiscal discipline it is also essential to reflect the consolidation efforts being made by Member States and ensure that particular attention is given under the future MFF to the true quality of spending.”
Before concluding, he also informed the EP of the Cyprus Presidency’s roadmap leading to the special European Council, including the presentation of the second revised Negotiating Box at the end of this week.
Concerning the issue of Own Resources, Ambassador Mavroyiannis said that “the Council is aware of the importance which the European Parliament attaches to a reform of the European Union's system of own resources,”, while informing the Plenary on the Presidency’s intentions to work hard on the revenue side of the MFF.
European Year of Citizens 2013
During yesterday’s session, the Council and the EP agreed on designating the year 2013 as the ‘European Year of Citizens’. Ambassador Mavroyiannis stressed the importance of this agreement as it will result to ‘enhanced public awareness and knowledge of citizens in relation to the rights and responsibilities attached to Union citizenship, especially the rights to move and reside freely within the EU’.
The Cypriot Deputy Minister also intervened in the debate on the 2013 budget.