Conferentie in Cyprus over het belang van mediterrane samenwerking (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Cypriotisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 22 oktober 2012.

The Cyprus Presidency will highlight the importance of Mediterranean cooperation as an instrument to ensure peace, stability and growth in the region, during a Conference on October 24 and 25 in Lefkosia (Nicosia). The Conference is organised together with the European Territorial Cooperation Programme MED and the Neighborhood Cross-border Cooperation Programme in the Mediterranean Sea Basin ENPI i MED and will include participants from neighbouring Mediterranean countries.

Conference participants will exchange views on achievements obtained through current and past cooperation experiences in the region, as well as examining the potential for future cooperation. In particular, the participants will reflect on how to best develop synergies for sustainable cooperation in the Mediterranean area to successfully tackle joint Mediterranean challenges.

The first day of the Conference, which will be held at the ‘Filoxenia’ Conference Centre in Lefkosia (Nicosia) will have a political focus. Trends, challenges and perspectives on the Mediterranean will be discussed between policy makers, Mediterranean and international organizations and civil society; offering strategic and thematic orientation for the future programmes.

The second day is dedicated to visits organised jointly with and hosted by Cypriot project partners. Four parallel visits combined with thematic networking meetings in a workshop format will take place. Each of these trips will start with a project visit in which Cypriot partners will present concrete examples and activities implemented. Participants will exchange views on other initiatives, projects, milestones, approaches and results within these themes and search for synergies and capitalisation potentials. Finally, the participants will reflect and discuss on possible thematic orientations for the programming period 2014-2020.

The various excursions on offer involve visits to the research area of the Enerscapes Project at the village of Ayia Anna, a trip to the village of Lefkara to look at the work of the ElihMED strategic project, an analysis of the waste management solutions developed by the AGROCHEPACK project in Xylotymbou and Xylofagou, as well as a trip to Limassol to learn more about the management of coastal zones and maritime risks in the Mediterranean.

For more information on the programme and the excursions, the conference programme can be found here.