Start Europese Erfgoeddagen 2012 (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Cypriotisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op zondag 14 oktober 2012.

The European Heritage Days (EHD) 2012 was launched today at the picturesque village of Kapedes in Cyprus, with speeches from Cyprus’ Interior Minister, Ms Eleni Mavrou, the EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, Ms Androulla Vassiliou i, and the Director of Democratic Governance Culture and Diversity, Ms Claudia Luciani. The speakers heralded the commencement of the 5th European Heritage Days Forum which will take place on Monday October 15, at the Filoxenia Conference Centre in Nicosia.

The Interior Minister of Cyprus emphasised the need to bring citizens closer to their cultural heritage and help them to become better acquainted with the culture and diversity of the peoples of Europe. “This knowledge contributes to mutual understanding, respect and tolerance between people, which is necessary for a harmonious coexistence within the European family, but also to create the concept of a European cultural identity,” added Ms Mavrou.

The EHD are co-organised by the European Union and the Council of Europe, in collaboration with the Cyprus Presidency and the Ministry of Interior. The 5th European Heritage Days Forum, which falls under the auspices of the EHD, will take place on Monday, October 15 at the Filoxenia Conference Centre in Nicosia The European Heritage Fora are annual international crossroads for all stakeholders involved in the interpretation, communication and dissemination of the cultural heritage, and are organised within the context of the EHD The theme of the 5th EHD Forum is "Communicating Heritage" and will include issues such as audience building, participation and empowerment in heritage.