Winnaars Europese Literatuurprijs 2012 bekendgemaakt (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 9 oktober 2012.

The winners of the 2012 European Union Prize for Literature, which recognises the best new or emerging authors in Europe, were announced today at the Frankfurt Book Fair by Androulla Vassiliou i, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.

The winners of the European Union Prize for Literature were announced at the Frankfurt Book Fair on 9 October 2012. The award ceremony will take place in Brussels on 22 November 2012.

The winners are:



Anna Kim


Lada Žigo


Viktor Horváth


Laurence Plazenet



Kevin Barry


Emanuele Trevi


Giedra Radvilaviciute


Gunstein Bakke



Piotr Pazinski


Afonso Cruz


Sara Mannheimer


Jana Benová

The aim of the European Union Prize for Literature is to celebrate the diversity of European fiction, to promote the chosen authors outside their own country including translation of their work, and to contribute to boosting the international circulation of literature more generally. The prize is unique; it is the only book award which rewards authors from such a large number and variety of European countries and language areas, and focusing on new or emerging authors.

The European Union Prize for Literature is organised by the European Commission and a Consortium consisting of the European Booksellers' Federation, European Writers' Council and the Federation of European Publishers.

The Prize was launched in 2009 and over its first 3 year cycle it has been awarded to 35 authors from as many countries. The competition is open to all countries presently involved in the European Union's Culture Programme. Each year, national juries in a third of the participating countries nominate the winning authors. Accordingly, all countries in the programme are represented over a three-year period. Bosnia and Herzegovina is the 36th and Albania the 37th country to join the Culture Programme and both will participate in the new cycle for the prize 2012-2014.

This year's winners will be presented with their awards at a ceremony in Brussels on 22 November, in the presence of Commissioner Vassiliou and leading public figures from the worlds of literature, culture and politics.

For more information

Read more about the winning authors here (Press release)