Europees parlement roept op tot het leren van verschillende talen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 5 oktober 2012.

In a resolution of September 2012 on Education, Training and Europe 2020, the European Parliament stressed the role of languages for mobility and cohesion

On 11 September 2012 the European Parliament approved a resolution which, among other things, stressed the importance of education for employability and invited the EU institutions and the Member States to act.

In this context the MPs focussed on languages:

[The European Parliament] "highlights the need for everyone to acquire excellent language skills from a very early age, covering not only the official languages of the EU but also regional and minority languages, as this will enable people to be more mobile, giving them greater access to the labour market and significantly increased opportunities for study, while serving to promote intercultural exchanges and greater European cohesion;

[…] Notes the need to begin language acquisition before school, and welcomes initiatives that enable pupils to learn their native language in written and spoken form as an elective subject in school, thereby acquiring additional skills;

[…] Believes that it is vital to promote mobility through ambitious community programmes for education and culture, in particular through exchanges of teachers, students and pupils, and especially in the language field, in order to promote an active citizenship and European values as well as language skills and other valuable skills and competences;"

If you want to read the full text of the resolution, click here.