Kolonel Nurenberg benoemd tot hoofd EU-missie veiligheidssector Congo (en)
Brussels, 2 October 2012
New Head of Mission for EUSEC RD Congo
Colonel Jean-Louis Nurenberg was today appointed Head of Mission for the EU i mission to provide advice and assistance for security sector reform in the Congo (EUSEC RD Congo)
Mr Nurenberg, from Luxembourg, will take up his post immediately. He will succeed Mr António Martins, who had been in the position since 1 October 2010
Since 2005, the mission has been providing advice and assistance to the Congolese authorities in charge of the defence apparatus while ensuring the promotion of policies that are compatible with human rights and the rule of law, as well as the principles of good governance and transparency. The mandate of the mission currently runs until 30 September 2013
Today's decision was taken by the EU's Political and Security Committee. For more information, see www.consilium.europa.eu/eusec-rdcongo.
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Biographical note on Colonel Jean-Louis NURBERG
Colonel Jean-Louis NURBERG was born in Luxembourg 21 April 1956
He joined the Luxembourg Army on 17 August 1976. From August 1976 to December 1980 he studied at the "Royal Military Academy" ("Ecole Royale Militaire") in Brussels as a member of the 116th joint service graduation class. He holds a degree in social and military sciences
From August 1981 to July 1982 he attended the Infantry School in Montpellier (France)
From 1981 he served as infantry platoon commander at the Military Centre in Diekirch. In 1985 he was appointed company commander. In 1986 he attended the unit commander's course in Arlon (Belgium)
In 1987, he was appointed Host Nation Support (HNS) group commander. He was responsible for updating military agreements with foreign armed forces, in particular those of the United States and France
He attended the Staff College in Compiègne (France) from February to July 1988
Hereafter he served as deputy to the army logistics officer and HNS officer at the Armed Forces Headquarters in Luxembourg from 1990 to 1992. He oversaw international aspects of logistics in the Luxembourg Army. From November to December 1991 he was involved in the European Community Monitoring Mission in the Former Yugoslavia (ECMM) in Zagreb (Croatia)
From October 1992 to February 1995 he joined the newly created Planning Cell of the Western European Union (WEU) in Brussels as a staff officer in the Logistics, Movements and Finance Section. He was responsible for the development of logistical concepts within the WEU, in particular the "WEU deployability study"
In February 1995 he was appointed National Military Representative to SHAPE, Deputy Military Representative to NATO, Military Advisor to the National Representative in the North Atlantic Council, Deputy Military Representative to the NATO Military Committee and National Liaison Officer to the Partnership for Peace Coordination Cell at SHAPE
From May 1998 to December 2003, he held the post of Armed Forces Logistics Officer and then Armed Forces Budget and Finance Officer, responsible for preparing and implementing the budget of the Luxembourg Armed Forces
By Grand-Ducal Order of 8 December 2003 he was appointed Luxembourg Military Representative to the European Union and Luxembourg Military Delegate to the Western European Union as from 1 January 2004
In the first half of 2005; he was in charge of the military side of the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union
From 11 July to 7 December 2006, he took part in the ESDP EUFOR RD Congo military operation in Kinshasa, as the EUFOR Force Commander's (Major General Damay) Liaison Officer to the Commander of the United Nations Force in DRC - MONUC (Lieutenant-General Gaye). His daily presence at the MONUC headquarters enabled him to gain familiarity with UN military and civilian procedures. In the event of crises, he was the first point of contact for senior MONUC military and civilian officers
Returning from the Congo, he served as the most senior member of the EUMC from
17 October 2007 until 21 April 2009. Since 1 January 2009 he has been authorised to bear
the title of Colonel
Colonel NURBERGs mother tongue is Luxembourgish. He has over 40 years' experience of speaking and writing German, French and English. He has a command of Dutch. He has some knowledge of Lingala
He is married to Florine, of Congolese origin