GRADIENT-project voor onderzoek naar ongelijkheid in volksgezondheid (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Werkgelegenheid, sociale zaken en inclusie (EMPL) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 27 september 2012.

In the framework of GRADIENT - a project funded under the EU Seventh Framework Programme - EuroHealthnet and its partners released the book “the right start to a healthier life”.

With the aim of deeper knowledge related to actions levelling up gradients in health inequalities, the foci are families and children, given that inequalities during childhood have long-lasting negative impacts on health and well-being. Moreover, research shows that the optimum impact can be obtained in these early years, by securing equal opportunities during childhood and adolescence. Based on concrete examples, this study also goes through the national political context in which health and its related policies are set. How those political contexts can influence the health gradient as well as develop policies designed to tackle it?

In this context, EuroHealthNet and its partners also provides examples of policies and interventions to address the health gradient of children, young people and families. For EuroHealthNet, the need to address health inequalities is implicitly a part of the EU’s overall 2020 Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth.

The book “The right start to a healthier life” is available here:

To order some copies of the book, contact Ariane Moret at