Europese prijzen uitgereikt ter bevordering van meertaligheid (en)
Five language projects from were awarded the first ever European Language Label of the Labels award.
Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, presented the first European Language Label of the Labels Award for outstanding projects which in the last decade have promoted innovative teaching and learning of languages in Europe. The ceremony took place during the Conference on Multilingualism in Limassol on 27 September.
The awarded projects are:
EuroCatering Language Training (Belgium, French and Dutch-speaking communities): Aimed at trainees, students and workers in the hotel and catering industry, this project seeks to improve their oral language skills in 7 European languages.
CMC_E Communicating in Multilingual Contexts meets the Enterprise (Italy): This project covers 6 European languages and aims to develop high-level language skills in a professional context.
Learning by moving (Lithuania): Covering 9 languages, this project focuses on language learning between neighbouring countries.
My language - your language (Norway): This project is chiefly aimed at children in pre-primary, primary and secondary school
EuroIntegrELP (Romania): Covering 14 European languages, this project involves nearly all educational sectors and has a wide target group including students, teachers, workers and unemployed people.
The European Language Label is an award that encourages new initiatives in the field of teaching and learning languages, rewarding new techniques in language teaching and promoting good practice.
So far the Label has been awarded to the most innovative language learning projects in each country participating in the scheme. It is co-ordinated by the European Commission, but managed by the individual Member States, with national juries deciding on detailed criteria.
This year marking the tenth anniversary of the Barcelona objectives ("Mother Tongue + 2"), the Commission decided to have a Language Label Award at European level in addition to the awards at national level.