EU steunt politieke- en economische participatie vrouwen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 25 september 2012.


Brussels, 25 September 2012 A

EU i commitment to "Equal Futures Partnership" - Political participation and economic empowerment for women

In the context of the 67th United Nations General Assembly meetings, the European Union co-organised the "Equal Futures Partnership" event on women's political participation and economic empowerment on Monday, 24 September in New York

At the event Catherine Ashton i, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission, underlined the position of women's rights -also a domestic priority for EU Member States - at the centre of the EU's external action and its relations with third countries, most notably those in political transition:

" We know that anywhere in the world, where women prosper, societies prosper. In the interest of everyone is to include women in every part of society" said Catherine Ashton

The EU's commitments include campaigns focused on the political and economic participation of women in countries in transition, addressing violence against women as a barrier to such participation, promoting representation of women in peace negotiations and mediation processes and advancing participation and empowerment of women within the EU

The event was hosted and moderated by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton i, its purpose to allow founding partners of the initiative to present their commitments for the political and economic empowerment of women

Participants in the event included World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bach el et and representatives of 13 co-sponsoring countries and regional organisations, alongside civil society, multilateral bodies, private partners and business

For more information:

"Equal Futures Partnership": Women political participation and economic empowerment