Persverklaring van commissaris Füle na zijn gesprek met de voorzitter van het Moldavische parlement (en)
We discussed the progress achieved by our close partner country in its structural reforms, and the importance of their further consolidation. I underlined the importance that the EU attaches to the reform of the judiciary and law enforcement systems, and the importance of strengthening the fight against corruption and improving the business and investment climate.
I praised the Moldovan Parliament for the adoption of the law on equal opportunities in May, which was crucial to allowing further steps in the EU-Moldova dialogue on visa liberalisation. I reassured Mr Lupu that the EU shares the same vision of the reform priorities which are critical to ensuring the long-term prosperity and stability of the Republic of Moldova and the European Union will continue to support his country in its challenging reform efforts.
We agreed that broad popular support for reforms and further European integration were key factors to be taken into account. From this perspective, the reform process must be as inclusive as possible. The Parliament is by definition the best possible place for all political forces to debate together the priorities of the country in a cooperative spirit. In this context, to strengthen that framework and make best use of it should be the way forward, including discussing media issues in the already established permanent parliamentary commission on media. To that end we stand ready to provide our expertise if needed.
We took stock of the rapidly developing EU-Moldova relationship within the framework of the Eastern Partnership. We agreed to sustain this very active dynamic as well as the good spirit prevailing in our Association Agreement negotiations, which will bring Moldova significantly closer politically and economically to the EU. We also discussed how the Moldovan Parliament could best ensure that the resolutions of the Euronest meeting of April 2012 are fully implemented in Moldova.
We concluded by exchanging views on the Transnistria issue, where recent positive developments give grounds for stepping up the EU’s engagement on the ground as well as in the ‘5+2’ negotiating format.