Statement van Hoge Vertegenwoordiger Ashton over de verkiezingen in Angola (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 21 september 2012.

Declaration by High Representative Catherine Ashton i on behalf of the European Union on the final results of the elections in Angola

"The European Union acknowledges the confirmation by the Constitutional Court of the final results of the general elections held in Angola on 31 August 2012

The European Union congratulates the Angolan people for their calm and peaceful participation and the political parties and civil society for their continued commitment to peace. These elections represent an important step towards strengthening democracy in Angola, a decade after peace was achieved

The EU recognises the substantial effort that was invested in this election by the Angolan electoral authorities. The European Union commends the well organised voting process, which bears witness to the commitment of all Angolans to these elections

Upon invitation by the Angolan authorities, the European Union sent an Election Expert Mission. The European Union took note of the fact that the election was considered by international observers present to be overall successful, as well as of criticism voiced by some political parties and civil society organisations in relation to a number of aspects of the electoral process

The EU noted some shortcomings within the election process. In the interest of increasing confidence in the electoral process, the European Union stands ready to support the competent Angolan authorities to ensure that these concerns are effectively addressed in future elections

The EU welcomes the fact that challenges to the election results have been channeled via the established legal procedures

The European Union re-iterates its commitment to continuing and deepening its engagement with the Angolan Government and its dialogue with the Angolan people through the "Angola-EU Joint Way Forward (JWF)"