Visueel systeem ruimterobot wordt getest in Spanje (en)
Met dank overgenomen van Uitvoerend Agentschap Onderzoek (REA) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 17 september 2012.
The ProViScout scientific team, supported by €1.9 million in EU i funds, is conducting rover field trials in the Martian like landscape of El-Teide National Park, in Tenerife (Spain). The final objective is to test the visual and navigational performance of the robot, which is intended to prepare the ground for a future European Space Agency i (ESA) led mission to Mars.
The rover is expected to make ‘autonomous decisions’ regarding navigation, image capture and sample recovery.
ProViScout brings together 12 major European research institutions and companies working on planetary robotic vision.
The project, launched in March 2010, is managed by the Research Executive Agency (REA i).
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