Raad van Energieministers over duurzame energie en infrastructuur (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Cypriotisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 14 september 2012.

Renewable energy sources and Trans-European Energy Infrastructure will come under examination at the Informal TTE (Energy) Council to be held at the 'Filoxenia' Conference Center in Lefkosia (Nicosia), on Monday September 17.

The Informal Meeting will be hosted by the Cypriot Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism Mr. Neoklis Sylikiotis, who is also in charge of the energy portfolio for the Cyprus Presidency. The meeting will be attended by the Energy Ministers of the EU Member States and the European Economic Area, the Commissioner for Energy Mr. Günther Oettinger i, Members of the European Parliament and the Director General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Mr. Adnan Z. Amin.

Renewable Energy for enhanced security of supply

During the morning plenary session, a roundtable discussion will be facilitated for the exchange of views on the Commission’s Communication regarding Renewable Energy Sources, published on June 6 2012. The aim is to provide a general orientation on the content of the Council Conclusions which the Cyprus Presidency intends to adopt at the December 3 Energy Council.

Trans-European Energy Infrastructure vital

The afternoon plenary session will provide delegates with the opportunity to be updated on the progress regarding the proposed Regulation on the guidelines for the Trans-European Energy Infrastructure i. Furthermore, it will allow them to express their views on certain aspects of the Regulation within the framework of an orientation debate.