Eerste vergadering van European Digital Champions succesvol (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Communicatienetwerken, Inhoud en Technologie (CNECT) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 11 september 2012.

On Monday 25 June, 14 Digital Champions met for the first time in Brussels. The meeting was chaired by Vice-President Neelie Kroes i. They heard from Martha Lane Fox, the UK Digital Champion, about her work since her appointment in 2009 and how she is working with government, civil society and the private sector to get British citizens and businesses on line. Neelie Kroes wrote on her blog about the meeting: "It was a real mix of talents and experiences. And great to have so much energy in one room. And there are inspiring initiatives, and inspiring experiences people already brought to the table. For those of you whose governments haven’t yet appointed one - make sure you let your governments know what they’re missing out on, and feel free to suggest them some names!" Following Martha's presentation, the Digital Champions discussed how they were going to contribute to the growth and job agenda in their own countries. They were able to share experiences and develop common priorities, as well as explain how they were organising themselves to meet the Digital Agenda opportunities in their own countries. Until now, 17 countries appointed their Digital Champions.