EP-voorzitter Schulz blij met voorstel voor hulp Europese partijen (en)
The President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz i has welcomed the proposed regulation on European Political parties and foundations adopted by the European Commission today.
EP President Martin Schulz said:
"I warmly welcome this proposal on European political parties and European political foundations. The European Parliament has long called for a full European legal statute for European political parties and foundations.
The new European legal status which will be provided by the regulation recognises European political parties and foundations at EU level and simplifies their legal status given the diversity of legal forms in different Member States. This proposal is a major step forward for European democracy and for citizens' representation at the EU level.
In the run up to the European elections in 2014, the new European statute for European political parties and foundations will increase the visibility, recognition, effectiveness, transparency and accountability of European political parties and foundations.
I welcome that, following the European Parliament's insistence, the proposal sets out that to obtain European legal status, and hence European funding, political parties and foundations will have to fully respect the democratic founding values of the European Union. They will have to respect high standards of governance, including internal party democracy, accountability and transparency."