Hoge Vertegenwoordiger Ashton feliciteert nieuwe president Somalie (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 10 september 2012.


Brussels, 10 September 2012


Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the end of the transition in Somalia

The European Union congratulates Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud on his election as the new President of Somalia

Today is a significant day in the history of Somalia. Eight years on from the establishment of Transitional Federal Institutions, the transition has ended with the election of the President by the new Federal Parliament. The EU welcomes the prospects this occasion brings to Somalia for lasting peace, prosperity and stability to the millions of people who have suffered from a protracted conflict over the years. The adoption of a new Provisional Constitution in particular marks the beginning of a new, democratic era in Somalia

There is now much work to be done. The new Federal Institutions must finalise key pending elements of the Provisional Constitution and embark on stabilisation efforts in all accessible areas in the country, both crucial for the future of a viable federal Somalia. The people of Somalia must be assured of good governance, transparency and accountability, justice and respect of their rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of worship. Above all, the new Federal Institutions must reach out to Somalis of all walks of life, urgently seeking to achieve reconciliation and development after more than twenty years of conflict. The EU urges the Somali leadership to embark on this process, acting with integrity and in the interests of the Somali people

The EU looks forward to the new Government's work plan, and highlights the urgent need for a mechanism to guarantee the sound use of financial resources. The EU takes this opportunity to assure the Somali people of its continued support. In this framework, the EU supports AMISOM in its mission to create the necessary conditions for the development of Somali security forces and contributes to their building up through CSDP engagement (EUTM and EUCAP Nestor)