Juvenes Translatores: registratie vertaalwedstrijd (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 5 september 2012.

This year, the Directorate-General for Translation (DGT i) is once again organising a translation contest for 17-year old students in the European Union.

Young students who wish to test their translation skills can have a go now. In fact, from 1 September until 20 October 2012, schools can register for the Juvenes Translatores ("Young Translators") contest, which will select one young translator per Member State.

Schools which have registered and have been selected can then choose the students who will participate in the translation contest, which will take place on 27 November 2012.

Translators from DGT will assess the students' translations and choose a winner per Member State. The winners will be invited to an award ceremony in Brussels in spring 2013, and will meet the Commissioner for Multilingualism, Androulla Vassiliou.

If you wish to take part in the contest, read more on the Juvenes Translatores website.