Commissie kondigt steun aan voor recht en migratie Azerbeidzjan (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 23 augustus 2012.

The European Commission today announced new funding for Azerbaijan to help reform the institutions responsible for bilateral relations with the EU i; in particular those in the areas of justice and migration. This support will contribute to the implementation of the actions agreed in the context of the EU Azerbaijan Action Plan, including in streamlining the visa application process, which will help to increase mobility for Azerbaijani people.

Support to regional development will also continue in order to help reducing regional, social and economic differences and to promote growth through job creation. Support will be in the form of policy advice, assistance, studies or training, which will be provided in areas related to socio-economic development of the regions.

The Annual Action Programme 2012 for Azerbaijan provides €19.5 million of bilateral allocation to the country. The assistance comes through the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI i). The new support will focus on the implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan priorities and institutional reforms.

A number of instruments will be mobilised to implement these goals, especially twinning operations between EU and Azerbaijani institutions, technical assistance and cooperation with international organisations under the Comprehensive Institutional Building Programme.


The Programme has three main components:

Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) Action Plan to provide the necessary resources to continue EU-Azerbaijan cooperation, based on the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement and the EU-Azerbaijan ENP Action Plan.

Implementation of Comprehensive Institutional Building (CIB): to support core institutions in Azerbaijan, crucial in preparing the ground for and implementing the future EU-Azerbaijan Association Agreement, including visa liberalisation and re-admission dialogue (to increase mobility of citizens from Eastern Partnership countries by simplifying the visa processes.)

The Eastern Partnership Comprehensive Institutional Building Programme supports partner countries in reforming those institutions in their country which are essential to negotiate and implement bilateral relations with the EU. It complements and reinforces existing institution building and technical cooperation activities (i.e. the Twinning instrument, TAIEX - Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument and SIGMA - Support for Improvement in Governance and Management).

Implementation of Pilot Regional Development Programme (PRDP): to enhance competitiveness, job creation and inclusive growth through the reduction of regional, social and economic disparities between different regions of Azerbaijan. Inspired by the EU cohesion policy, the Eastern Partnership Pilot Regional Development Programme has been proposed to the Eastern partner countries to address regional challenges and local needs for infrastructure, human capital and small businesses.

For more info:

Download the Annual Action Programme 2012 for Azerbaijan:

Delegation of the European Union to Azerbaijan:

Azerbaijan on DG Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid website:

External relations EU-Azerbaijan:

Eastern Partnership:

Website of the Commissioner Stefan Füle:


Contacts :

Anca Paduraru (+32 2 296 64 30)