Hoofd EU-missie Soedan aangesteld (en)
Mr Lasse Rosenkrands Christensen was today appointed Head of Mission for the EU i aviation security mission in South Sudan (EUAVSEC South Sudan). The decision was taken by the EU Political and Security Committee
Mr Rosenkrands Christensen, from Denmark, will take up his duties on 1 September 2012
EUAVSEC South Sudan aims to strengthen aviation security at Juba international airport in South Sudan. EUAVSEC South Sudan will train and mentor security services, provide advice and assistance on aviation security, as well as support the coordination of security activities. It is part of the EUs comprehensive approach, a strategy to assist South Sudan in becoming a viable, stable and prosperous state living in peaceful co-existence with its northern neighbour, Sudan
More information
Factsheet on EUAVSEC South Sudan