Verklaring Ashton na ontslag Syrië-gezant Annan (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 3 augustus 2012.

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission issued the following statement yesterday:

"I express my deep regret at the resignation of Kofi Annan as the United Nations - League of Arab States Joint Special Envoy to Syria.

From the beginning of Mr Annan's work I have backed his tireless efforts to find a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis. We have had an excellent and close collaboration, and I - on behalf of the entire EU i - am very appreciative of his efforts. He has invested an enormous amount of time and personal dedication to his difficult and dangerous assignment.

The EU continues to support the efforts of the UN and the League of Arab States and calls for the early appointment of a successor to carry on Mr Annan's work towards a peaceful political transition in Syria. The Six Point Plan remains the best hope for the people of Syria, and any further militarisation of the conflict by any of the parties can only bring greater suffering to Syria, its citizens, and the region as a whole.

Mr Annan's resignation makes clear how unfortunate it has been that the UN Security Council was unable to agree to a resolution, which would have endorsed the communiqué of the Action Group and so helped compliance with the Six Point Plan.

The EU remains committed to pursuing a Syrian-led political transition to the crisis that would meet the democratic aspirations of the Syrian people and bring back stability to Syria."