Acht projecten voor culturele samenwerking krijgen financiering (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 31 juli 2012.

8 projects receive funding for a total of approximately EUR 1.5 million for cultural cooperation projects between European and Third Country partners.

29 applications had been submitted from 21 participating countries for projects involving third country partners in fields such as visual arts, cultural heritage, performing arts, literature, books and reading, architecture, design and applied arts, multi-media and new technologies and interdisciplinary areas.

The eligible third country for 2012 was South Africa. Each year the Special Action for Third Countries enables one or more countries to be the subject of a call for proposals. The call enables grants to be given for cooperation projects, which seek to pursue the objectives of the Culture Programme.

To be eligible, projects must have a duration of not more than 24 months;

  • involve a minimum of three co-organisers drawn from three different countries taking part in the Programme;
  • involve cultural cooperation with at least one partner from the selected Third Country (at least 50% of the project output should come from that country) and be the subject of an application requesting a grant of no less than EUR 50,000 and no more than EUR 200,000.

Read all about: the 2012 selection results here!

All the results . . .

For 2013, Canada and Australia will be the eligible Third Countries.

The application deadline is 3 May 2013.

Please stay tuned for more information about the application procedure: