Ongekende media-aandacht voor de EU-prijs voor cultureel erfgoed (en)
The 2012 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards took place in Lisbon on 1 June and was widely covered in the press.
This year’s European Heritage Congress and the European Heritage Awards Ceremony in Lisbon - honoured with the presence of H.E. Aníbal Cavaco Silva, President of Portugal, and T.R.H. Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia of Asturias - received very broad media coverage, which exceeded all expectations and surpassed any other award ceremonies of the past.
The ceremony will be broadcast by National Portuguese Television RTP. Articles and interviews related to the European Heritage Congress and the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards were published in renowned newspapers such as Portuguese daily “Público” and weekly “Jornal de Letras, Artes e Ideias” as well as the Spanish main daily newspapers “El País” and “ABC”.
The ceremony was also extensively covered by online media not only in Portugal and Spain but also all over Europe.