Principe-akkoord tussen lidstaten over de regels omtrent asielaanvragen (en)
The Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER II) agreed yesterday on the response of the Council of the EU to the latest amending proposals of the European Parliament (EP) with regard to the Dublin Regulations. The Regulation's adoption could be achieved during the Cyprus Presidency, if the European Parliament and the Council of the EU agree on the technical issues of the legislative act.
The regulation determines which member state is responsible in handling multiple applications made by asylum seekers to different member states or applications made to a member state other than the one he/she first entered.
The agreement introduces a few technical changes for clarification purposes, while retaining the substance of the EP’s proposed amendments.
A positive reaction from the European Parliament will signal agreement on the political part of the Dublin Regulation which has been under negotiations for the past 3 years.
Negotiations on this particular legislative act have been difficult because of the political sensitivity of the Regulation.
The official adoption of the Regulation will hopefully be taking place later in 2012 after the technical part of this legislative act is being negotiated and agreed by the Council and the European Parliament.