Cypriotisch voorzitterschap wenst landbouwbeleid te hervormen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Cypriotisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 17 juli 2012, 15:28.

A better targeted and more effective Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), through streamlining and simplification, as well as better risk management and viable instruments for responding to exceptional situations and crises, formed the focus of discussions during the first Agriculture and Fisheries Council under the Cyprus Presidency, which took place today in Brussels.

The Cyprus Presidency will promote the negotiations on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy as well as the Common Fisheries Policy, in parallel to the negotiations of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), said Cyprus’ Minister for Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, Sofoclis Aletraris. “The Cyprus Presidency will work towards a sustainable, environmentally friendly and competitive agriculture based on solidarity,” Mr. Aletraris stressed.

Ability to respond to crises

Risk management and the ability to respond swiftly and effectively to exceptional situations and crises must be ensured in the frame of the new CAP.

These important aspects were chosen by the Presidency as the basis for today’s first Council discussion under the Cyprus Presidency. According to Mr. Aletraris, today’s discussions proved that “most of the Member States agree that in light of the challenges agriculture is faced with due to climate change and price and market volatility, risk management and the need for exceptional measures have become essential for farmers”. Within that context, the Presidency stands ready to further develop the concepts proposed by the European Commission, taking into account the views of the member states and of the European Parliament. The aim is to establish a functional and effective mechanism for risk and crisis management to deal with the particularities of the European agricultural sector.

The Council discussed in addition the latest developments on the European milk and dairy products market, where recent price reductions caused intense protests on the part of some producers. The Presidency committed itself to monitor developments closely and, if required to refer the issue back to Council for further discussion.

Fishing Opportunities for 2013

Regarding Fisheries, the basic topic of discussion was the Communication of the European Commission concerning consultation on Fishing Opportunities for 2013. During today’s meeting, the European Commission presented its ideas concerning the ways in which Total Allowable Catches (TACs) and effort levels should be fixed in European waters and for European fisheries in 2013.