Project 'AIDS & Mobility' wil HIV onder jonge migranten en reizende volken terugdringen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Uitvoerend Agentschap voor consumenten, gezondheid, landbouw en voeding (Chafea) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 11 juli 2012.

Project AIDS & Mobility aims to reduce HIV in young vulnerable migrants and mobile populations.

The project developed an AIDS & Mobility Master Toolkit that has been used for trans-cultural mediator trainings and community sessions.

The A&M network trained 116 social mediators who have conducted 240 community information sessions with 3427 participants in 6 countries.

A Guidebook was also produced to assist people from diverse cultural and language backgrounds, especially young people and their families, to better protect themselves against HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis. It also aims to take away fear, to enable dialogue and to help in fighting stigma and discrimination.

The Guidebook in 16 languages can be found here.