Europese Commissie organiseert conferentie over strategieën publiekswerving culturele sector (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 11 juli 2012.

The European Commission is holding a conference on 16-17 October in Brussels which will provide inspirational examples of audience development by cultural organisations and foster European exchange of practice on audience development strategies.

"Creative Europe", the Commission's proposal for its future funding programme for the cultural and creative sectors for the period 2014-2020, proposes an important new focus on audience development in order to foster long-term audiences for European cultural works. With this in mind, the annual “Culture in motion” valorisation conference of the Culture programme will discuss audience development in a practical, “hands on” way, at the Egg, in Brussels.

Around 22 speakers will debate in four different panels, dedicated to empowering the audience, engaging the audience, diversifying the audience and hosting the audience. The speakers are project promoters from the EU Culture and MEDIA programmes, as well as other good practices from the cultural sector.

The conference will be moderated by Mary McCarthy, Cultural Director/Director of the National Sculpture Factory Cork, Ireland and Former programme Deputy Director and Programme Director Cork 2005 :European Capital of Culture and by Chris Torch, Senior Associate - INTERCULT/Sweden and Artistic Director for SEAS and CORNERS.

The conference on audience development will be preceded on 15 October by an exchange of good practices among past and future European capitals of culture, taking place at the same venue, and at which the Commission will present its proposal for the future of the European Capitals of Culture beyond 2020. More information on this event will be published soon.

The website of the two events will be available by the end of July, including registration and practical information.

Draft programme [326 KB]