Europees financieel kader 2014-2020 topprioriteit Cypriotisch voorzitterschap EU (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Cypriotisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 11 juli 2012.

The Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) is a top priority for the Cyprus Presidency. For the conclusion of its negotiations by the end of 2012, it will require a swift cooperation with all actors involved. The issues at stake and the plans of the Cyprus Presidency for this important file were analysed in Brussels today, at a discussion hosted by the Fondation Robert Schuman and co-organised with the Cyprus Presidency. Cyprus’ Deputy Minister for European Affairs, Ambassador Andreas D. Mavroyiannis and the member of the European Parliament, Reimer Böge were the keynote speakers.

The successful management of the dossier of the MFF is the biggest issue that the Cyprus Presidency will have to face in the following six months. In line with the mandate given by the June European Council for the completion of negotiations by the end of 2012, the Cyprus Presidency will build on the progress achieved by the Danish Presidency.

The overall goal is a fair and effective EU budget, aiming at providing a strong impetus to growth, competitiveness and employment with special emphasis on youth.

“The next MFF should provide adequate resources in order to contribute to the exiting the economic crisis, providing a solid and healthy basis for stabilising the European economy”, stated the Deputy Minister in today’s debate organised at the Brussels Press Club. Moderated by Jean-Dominique Giuliani, President of the Fondation Robert Schuman, the debate took place before an audience of around 80 people.

Building on the Negotiating Box

The Deputy Minister mentioned that the MFF will be on the agenda of all General Affairs Councils under the Cyprus Presidency until negotiations are concluded. Taking into account the results of bilateral meetings that started yesterday with member states, the Cyprus Presidency will build on the basis of the Negotiating Box which will be developed further in accordance with the discussions in the Council.

“Our aim is to bring the dossier to the required maturity level that will allow for a first attempt at a political agreement at the October European Council. Should this not be possible, discussions will continue, in order to prepare the ground for concluding in December”, emphasised Ambassador Mavroyiannis.

The Cyprus Presidency will closely cooperate with the Presidents of the European Council, the Commission but also with the European Parliament, in accordance to its upgraded role since the Lisbon Treaty.

A real European budget

Jean-Dominique Giuliani, underlined in his remarks that “it will be vital to provide the Union with a real European budget, the only one that can provide weight to the solidarity between member states. As we wait for a real common economic policy there must be a joint effort to reduce debt and public deficits”.

Mr Reimer Böge (EPP, Budget Committee), the European Parliament's Rapporteur on the MFF, outlined the important role of the European Parliament and emphasised that "the next MFF should offer an appropriate level of resources, sufficient flexibility to react to unforeseen needs and a progress towards genuine own resources”.

“Realising the parameters involved in these negotiations, we are committed to work hard and we will do our utmost in order to achieve this rather ambitious goal”, the Deputy Minister concluded.