Cypriotisch voorzitterschap zet watermanagement en klimaatverbetering op agenda (en)
The “Blueprint to safeguard Europe’s water resources” and the Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, with special regard to the latter’s funding, will be the main issues to be discussed at the Informal Meeting of the Ministers for the Environment and Climate Change of the EU. The meeting will be held at the Filoxenia Conference Centre, in Nicosia, on the 7th and 8th of July.
During the meeting, two contemporary and interconnected issues will be discussed: Water and Adaptation to climate change.
The Cyprus Presidency’s goal is for both issues is for the meeting to make concrete suggestions to be taken on board in the proposals to be submitted by the European Commission. .
“Blueprint to safeguard Europe’s water resources”
The first day of the meeting will be dedicated to water. The main topic on the agenda is the forthcoming “Blueprint to safeguard Europe’s water resources”.
The Blueprint is aimed to be the EU’s policy response to the contemporary and emerging water management challenges that are threatening the achievement of water policy goals across Europe.
The meeting will begin with presentations by the Minister of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment of Cyprus Sofoclis Aletraris, the European Commissioner for the Environment Janez Potočnik, and the Executive Director of the European Environment Agency Jacqueline McGlade.
The debate to follow between Ministers will provide key inputs for the Cyprus Presidency’s conclusions.
Adaptation to climate change and its financing
The topic of the second day of the meeting will be the forthcoming Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, which is to be presented by the European Commission early next year.
It is almost certain, that the impacts of climate change will be greater than initially predicted. Therefore, while global mitigation measures are important, national and regional adaptation measures must be foreseen in parallel.
According to Mr. Aletraris, discussions at the meeting will focus on the topic of “Financing Adaptation”, since any strategies, plans or measures can only be effective when the required funds are made available. “The EU Budget plays an important role and acts as a catalyst for the specific investments needed. However, public funding is not adequate. The private sector and institutional investors can play a significant role on this issue”, said the Cypriot Minister.
Τhe meeting will begin with presentations by Sofoclis Aletraris, Connie Hedegaard, European Commissioner for Climate Action, Thomas Barrett of the European Investment Bank, and Chrystalla Georghadji, Auditor General of Cyprus.
Based on the debate to follow, the President, Minister Aletraris, will prepare Presidency conclusions.
At both sessions, the Ministers will be briefed on the suggestions from a parallel site event to be held on the 6th of July with the European Environment Bureau, the Cyprus Commissioner for the Environment, and a number of local NGOs.
The outcomes of both meetings will be presented at press conferences to be held at the Filoxenia Conference Center. The press conferences will be transmitted live on the Cyprus Presidency website.