Nieuw programma om samenwerking met het Oostelijk Partnerschap te versterken (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 26 juni 2012.

The Eastern Partnership Integration and Cooperation (EaPIC) programme, adopted today, contributes further to the implementation of the Eastern Partnership; part of the renewed EU policy in the region.


The main aim of the new programme is to provide increased support to institutional and sector reforms in the Eastern European partner countries; with a view to accelerating their political association and economic integration with the European Union.

EaPIC will target partner countries according to the principle of 'more for more'. This means that the more a country progresses in its internal reforms for democracy, respect of human rights and the rule of law, the more support it can expect from the programme.


Initiatives supported through the EaPIC programme will be tailored to the needs of each country; based on assessment of the country's progress towards deep democracy.

Initiatives will address two key areas: democratic transformation and institution building; and sustainable and inclusive growth and economic development. They will complement already on-going activities in partner countries, supported at EU level or bilaterally by EU Member States, as well as by other donors.

Initiatives will be identified by EU Delegations in consultation with partner governments, EU Member States and international stakeholders. Consultation will take place by means of in-country donor coordination mechanisms.

All Eastern Neighbourhood partner countries may benefit from EaPIC. But only countries that make progress in reforms for democracy, respect of human rights and the rule of law will access the new programme.

Expected results

Depending on the pace of reform in each country, the expected results are the following: the role and capacities of national democratic institutions will be further strengthened; and support will be built up for sector reforms that are conducive to deep democracy and sustainable and inclusive development.

EaPIC will provide increased support for institution building activities, including Comprehensive Institution Building (CIB), and relevant sector-wide reforms (for instance in rural development, justice, anticorruption), as well as for activities related to the peaceful settlement of conflicts.


Amount: €130 million

Budget Source: European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI)

Duration: 2012 - 2013 (subject to the adoption of the 2013 budget by the budgetary authority).

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