Veertiende EU-Moldavië Samenwerkingsraad: positieve dynamiek (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 26 juni 2012.


Brussels, 26 June 2012




EU Press release

In the context of the European aspirations of the Republic of Moldova, the Cooperation Council underlined the very positive dynamics in EU-Moldova relations since the last meeting of the Cooperation Council in May 2011, and welcomed progress achieved by the Republic of Moldova towards compliance with the democratic principles, further stabilisation of the democratic institutions and the rule of law, and towards becoming a functioning market economy. In this context, the Cooperation Council stressed the opportunities provided by the Eastern Partnership, including its multilateral dimension

The EU welcomed also the commitment of the Republic of Moldova to the goals of political association and economic integration with the European Union, and re-affirmed its readiness to support the efforts and the reforms of the Republic of Moldova towards these goals. The two Sides re-affirmed accordingly their intention to deepen and broaden their relations. They stressed the importance of the Eastern Partnership Roadmaps as a tool to guide the deepening of bilateral relations ahead of the next Eastern Partnership summit

The Cooperation Council expressed appreciation for the good progress made in the Association Agreement negotiations, which embrace also negotiations on establishing a deep and comprehensive free trade area. The EU welcomed the participation of observers from the Transnistrian region and encouraged the Republic of Moldova to sustain its efforts in these negotiations

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The Cooperation Council welcomed the signature on the same day of Agreements between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova on Common Aviation Area and on the protection of Geographical Indications, as well as the pre-signature of the Agreement amending the EU-Republic of Moldova Visa Facilitation Agreement. With regard to the Action Plan on Visa liberalisation, the Cooperation Council underlined the important progress achieved so far by the Republic of Moldova, and looked forward to the Commission Report on the implementation of the first phase of the Action Plan

The Cooperation Council stressed the concrete benefits that these various achievements would yield for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova

The EU welcomed the strengthened cooperation with the Republic of Moldova in the area of foreign and security policy, and looked forward to the conclusion of a CSDP Framework Participation Agreement. The EU underlined its increased engagement in the Transnistria settlement efforts, including through continued support of the EU Border Assistance Mission to Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, and through a comprehensive programme of confidence-building measures. It recalled its contribution to the '5+2' settlement talks, conducted under the auspices of the OSCE

The EU was represented by Mr. Villy S0VNDAL, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and Head of the European Union Delegation and Mr. Andris PIEBALGS, European Commissioner for Development. Prime Minister Vladimir FILAT led the Moldovan delegation